- Why are you laughing?

- Do you really think he likes Ali? Allegra said.

- They are just friends. It doesn't even look like he likes her; Summer said.

Sierra looked at them and thought for a second. Why did they care so much about Ramin and her? Did that mean that Ramin maybe liked her?

- I don't know. But if I tell him he wouldn't talk to me anymore.

- Why? You are best friends; Summer said.

- That's exactly why he would stop talking to me!

- Sierra; Allegra said. Listen carefully to this. Ramin is your best friend. If you tell him that you love him, even if he wouldn't like you back, he would never stop talking to you. He can't live without you.

- And if he wouldn't like you he would still talk to you and help you get over him. That would even strengthen your relationship; Summer continued.

They were maybe right. Ramin would probably understand, even if it would be awkward and hard in the beginning. But what if they were wrong? Thousands of thoughts swirled in her head, but she didn't want to talk about it more, so she just said okay and left the restrooms.

When she came back to the table she saw Ramin staring at her. She felt her cheeks get warmer, but she gave him a little smile as she sat down opposite him. He responded with a big smile and he said:

- What are you doing tomorrow?

- Nothing, why?

He looked over to his sons and they nodded. What?

- My boys and I wondered if you wanted to come with us to the water park?

Of course, she wanted to, but was it really the right thing to do? Should she tell him about her feelings or not? And if so, when? Ignoring her train of thought she answered:

- Of course, when are you picking me up?

- I don't know yet. It depends on how late we stay here.

He winked to her but immediately blushed a little and looked away. What was that supposed to mean and what was he doing?

Around 10 the boys were dropped off at Ramin's apartment by his parents and Sierra's family too had gone home to their hotel. So now, around 12, it was just she and Ramin left. At the moment she sat at the table waiting for Ramin to return from the bathroom. Thoughts had swirled through her mind since she and her sisters had talked in the bathrooms. Could she actually tell him, would he still accept her as a friend? She looked towards the bathrooms and saw a figure moving towards her. A big smile crept on to her lips, even if she tried not to. How could she still be happy when she knew he didn't like her? He came close to the table but instead of sitting down beside her he held out his hand and said:

- You wanna dance?

Without any hesitation she nodded, grabbed his hand and let him drag her up. Her cheeks became a little warmer when she felt Ramin's hands around her waist as he drew her closer to him. Sure, they weren't drunk, but they drank some alcoholic drinks before and because of this she was unsure what his motive was. Was he just drunk or did he actually want to dance? Sierra! Stop thinking like this! He's your friend, it's not weird to dance with a friend.

Their faces were so close, if she would lean an inch forward their lips would touch. And their bodies were almost pressed against each other. She thought about what other people might be thinking. They were holding each other very tight with their eyes locked, and as a cherry on the cake there was a slow love song playing from the speakers. Slowly, Ramin's face came closer and his beautiful eyes began to close. Her heart started to race, and she too slowly leaned closer to him. When there almost was no space between their lips, when she could feel his warm breath, she realised what they were doing and drew back. What was she thinking? He didn't want to kiss her, he probably wondered what she was doing. His eyes opened, and he quickly let go of her. Just before he turned around to go to the bathrooms she saw him blush and, if she wasn't wrong, there were tears in his eyes. She was probably wrong, why would he cry?

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ