She felt herself smiling when she answered;

- Yes, we should get going.

It was thrilling to see all the people so excited for the show. It was amazing to see how happy they were, just seeing it made Sierra's smile grow bigger. She felt like she was going to smile a lot tonight, making her cheeks hurt. She saw Ramin looking at her from the corner of her eyes. She could not really read his face, which she usually could do easily, but the look he gave her made cheeks grow red. Sierra could feel them burning. There were a lot of people on the red carpet and a lot of interviewers, so they answered a lot of questions, which actually was fun. It was much easier doing it with Ramin. After talking a lot about how they felt about show, great performances and the really beautiful showtune were they arrived at a place at the red carpet where it seemed like it was a prop. Sierra saw that almost half of the cast members were standing there talking both to each other and the interviewers. Ramin placed a hand on her waist, for what was like the hundred time today, but Sierra still got this thrilling feeling in her stomach. They placed themselves beside Ali, who was walking on the red carpet with her friend from Aladdin. She was wearing a blue dress Sierra knew she had brought earlier this week and she decided to comment it, because that might be nice;

- I really like your dress today Ali, it fits you.

Her face lit up as she answered but quickly changed subject;

- Thank you so much! Are you guys going together, like a pair?

She immediately looked up to Ramin's face and they seemed to have a conversation with just looks. It was like Ali wanted to prove something, an uncomfortable lump started to grow in Sierra's stomach. There was an awkward silence were the two of them kept looking at each other. She did not know what to think about it, or what to do, Sierra was almost feeling like the third wheel. The fact that Ali's question was hanging unanswered in the air did not make this any easier. Ramin had been totally honest when Sierra asked about her fears for that Ramin would have feelings for Ali, she knows him good enough for that. But they seemed to have a relationship that Sierra did not know about, and she was really wondering what this was about. With no explanation to the question before, Ali asked Ramin for a moment and both of them disappeared, leaving Sierra alone on the red carpet.
What the... Wait what?!


When Ramin and Ali reached a place at the red carpet that was a little off with basically no people passing by, Ali placed herself before him with her hands at her sides. When Ramin lifted his head and meet her gaze he was almost feeling a little scared of her, because the young Asian eyebrows were tight together, and if looks could kill, then Ramin would be dead by now. Those dark brown, almost black eyes were filled with anger. Ramin tried his best to build a wall to defend himself but he knew that it would not work, she was pissed off.

- I've been angry at you before... at least try not to look that scared.

Ramin swallowed two times, but his thought still felt harsh. He did not know what to say, so the little woman in front of him continued;

- Do you remember what we talked about last time?

He did, and he agreed with her. It was, under no circumstances right to treat Sierra this way, either as a cast member, friend, best friend or a beloved. He knew that he had past the point where it was time to act a long time ago. If not to tell her about his feelings, just trying to treat her as she deserved. Well, he had to tell her about his feelings, if not, he didn't know what to do. But how to tell her without risking their friendship?

- Ramin, do you remember what we talked about?

- Ali, you know the answer to that.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now