Sierra smiled and tried to find the right camera, was it the one with the red light? They had talked about this last time, but she could not remember.

- Well, not on purpose anyway, but I going to tell you that this man here is hopeless, can't stop himself from laughing in his own intervi...

Paul stopped her dead in her tracks.

- Whatever, why was you waiting for Ramin, are you guys going to watch a movie or a musical later?

A lump formed in Sierras stomach, did Ramin want her to answer that one truly? Sierra got the answer just a second later when he said;

- We are going to pick up the kids from the airport.

For a split second after he said it Ramin seemed to understand what that might have sounded like. Sierra felt her checks turning bright red. It was one thing that it happened among the cast at theatre but if it was to be recorded she could not come away with it. Sierra knew that the cast already suspected something, but she did not want the entire world to believe things, even though Sierra really wanted that something to be true. She blacked out a bit after Ramin said that, not really listening to how he made it sound better, or if he even did. Her thoughts spun around in her head. What was about to happen, now was not the time to think about it, but it seemed like Sierra had no control on when the thoughts plopped up. There must be something in that Ramin wanted her to go get his kids with him, there must be some truth in Sierras hopes. Good Lord let it be.

The rest of the interview was fun, they kept on blabbing because of "Love Never Dies". Funny backstage moments and it made Sierra recall all the fun, good times then. She loved her life then, just as she was doing now, but that Sierra ten years ago wasn't sure on who she was supposed to be. Not because of the pressure, just because she hadn't found herself yet. Changing isn't anything bad, that's the way it is, and Sierra was proud of who she had become. More confident and not afraid to be very, ehumm, extrovert. But of course, she was still trying every day to become the best version of herself. All the talking about Andrews Lloyd Webbers sequel to phantom made Paul get some pictures of Ramin and Sierra's first meeting back in 2008. They had been so young, it was fun to see. Sierra had said it many times, but she told them again how it was like chemistry right away when they had met, even Andrew had told them it was almost unbelievable at times. Ramin just agreed before Sierra burst out;

- Doesn't your hair look a little like Harry Potter's in this picture?

Ramin pretended to look offended before he said;

- Are you implying that my hair looked bad? Sierra is implying a lot today.

- No, I'm just saying that umm, have you ever considered a career in sorcery?

- Are you quoting Wicked on me?

- No...

After that conversation Paul made them talk a lot about "The Secret Garden" which he almost seemed a little too thrilled on, telling them repeatedly how he had seen them in the concert two years ago and how amazing it had been. Singing "The Secret Garden" was really something Sierra loved doing, the notes and melodies were just amazing. She also knew that Ramin loved playing in this one. He had been so thrilled when he had called her some months ago to tell her the fact that he got the part. After a long discussion Paul stopped them;

- I'm so sorry to say this but we going to stop the interview now; he said, looking so honesty sad about it.

- Thank you for letting me stay; Sierra said cheerfully.

- No, I'm the one who are supposed to thank you. The people looking at this live have totally freaked out. And so will everyone who sees this.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now