Chapter two

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At the end of the school day the three of them made their way back to the Ocean household. The brunette lead the two of them through the empty house, through the living room towards the stairs. Once they were upstairs they walked past a large room with navy blue walls and things all over the floor. They finally reached a room at the end of the hallway, it was fairly large with white walls and a couple of posters hanging from them.

Debbie sat down on her bed and Tammy sat by her side. Lou was still stood by the door glancing around the large room, her bag still on her shoulder and her hair a mess from her helmet.

"You can sit on the bed you know," Debbie chuckled as she and Tammy moved to make more room on the bed for the Australian. Lou dropped her bag to the floor and placed it in the corner and sat opposite the two girls on the bed.

"So how was your first day at school?" Tammy asked the blonde, and she just shrugged her shoulder.

"It was okay I guess, it's different to Australian schools but I'll get used to it," Lou said and the other two girls nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yeah you will, so we usually order the pizza at around half sixish and watch a movie and since you're the newbie you can pick the movie." Debbie explained pointing towards the array of movies she had in a cabinet in the corner of the room. The blonde wandered over to the cabinet and looked through the different movies, it took her about five minutes to decide. But in the end she decided that the three of them would watch Clueless because who doesn't love that movie?

Once Debbie put the movie on the three girls were settled on the brunettes bed. They were sat in silence watching the movie until about halfway through when Debbie's older brother walked into the room, wearing nothing but some basketball shorts and socks.

"Danny what are you doing?" Debbie asked, when the older boy was rummaging through her drawers. He turned around for a second before turning his attention back to the drawers.

"Tess needs a shirt, hers got wet," he shrugged quickly grabbing a white shirt from his sisters drawers and walking out of the room again.

"So that was my brother," Debbie said to Lou, the blonde just nodded her head.

"He seems nice," she smiled and the brunette frowned.

"He's annoying, he's always doing shit like that and I am never going to see that shirt again," she groaned once she realised what shirt he took from the drawers.

"In that case I'm glad that I'm an only child," Lou smiled and Tammy nodded her head in agreement.

"At times I wish I was an only child but then there are times where I couldn't live without him," Debbie said, glancing over at the clock on the wall, it was nearly six o'clock. She stood up from her bed and walked towards Danny's room, making sure to knock before she went in because god knows what him and Tess are doing. Once he yelled for her to come in she slowly opened the door and poked her head through.

"Can we order the pizza now or are you guys not hungry?" She asked and Danny stood up from where he was laid next to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, Tess do you want the usual?" Danny asked and the girl simply nodded her head, the Ocean siblings left the room and headed back into Debbie's room so she could make sure that she had the other girls' orders correct. Once the pizzas arrived the three girls made their way downstairs and got settled on the floor in the living room around the coffee table.

"I have to admit the pizza over here is much better," the blonde said as she took another bite of the cheesy pizza.

"So what's it like in Australia?" Debbie asked. The brunette moved closer to the Australian girl and carried on eating her pizza.

"Where I used to live it was pretty boring there's not much to do my best friend and I we used to just ride our bikes through the fields," Lou explained thinking about the girl back home.

"Do you keep in touch with her?" Tammy asked referring to the girl's best friend. At that question the blonde seemed to stiffen up, she almost dropped the slice of pizza from her hand; but she quickly composed herself.

"Oh uh no we don't really speak anymore, we stopped speaking even before I left Australia," Lou said quietly, Tammy and Debbie shared a confused look because their new friend had gone much quieter than before and she was no longer eating her pizza.

"How come?" Debbie asked prompting the girl to carry on speaking but that probably wasn't the best idea. The blonde looked down at the floor and started picking at her nails.

"It doesn't really matter," Lou mumbled and the other two seemed to understand that it was something that she didn't particularly want to talk about.

"I'm sorry," Debbie said and Lou simply shrugged her shoulders. She looked at the watch on her wrist and slowly stood up.

"I have to go I promised my mum that I would be back by 7, I'll see you guys tomorrow and thanks for the pizza," Lou said as she went upstairs to retrieve her backpack and helmet, and slipped out the front door.

Once the blonde left the other two girls were still seated in the living room confused. Less than a minute later Danny walked into the room followed by Tess.

"What did you do to the poor girl she was crying," Danny said, Tammy and Debbie shared a concerned look. The two were aware that their conversation made the blonde uncomfortable but not upset.

"I don't know we were asking her about Australia and her friends back home and she just went really quiet," Debbie explained to her brother who just shook his head.

"She didn't even tell us where she lived so we can't make sure she's okay," Tammy said with a frown on her face. The two girls sat in silence again when Danny and Tess left the room, still trying to figure out what caused the blondes mood to change so drastically.

"I wonder what happened with her and her friend," Tammy wondered out loud and Debbie shrugged her shoulders as she looked down at her pizza.

"I don't know but I guess she will tell us when she is ready," the brunette said and Tammy nodded in agreement. Once the pizza was eaten the two made their way back upstairs and put another movie on. It wasn't until around 11p.m. that Tammy's mom arrived to pick her up.

The next day the two waited at the entrance of the school for their new Australian friend but she didn't show. They did the same the next day and received the same result, and the rest of the week the blonde was nowhere around.

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