- Nothing; he answered quickly in a low voice.

- Don't tell me that nothing happened. You come in here late, you were holding hands AND Sierra is wearing your hoodie.

He internally cursed himself for sleeping too long, if he wouldn't nothing of this would ever happen.

- She probably wanted to hand it back but forgot. I promise you, nothing happened.

- So, you haven't told her yet? she asked quietly, sounding very disappointed.

- No, I can't. She's my best friend and nothing more, sadly.

Why did they have to talk about this now? There were people around and she only sat some feet away.

- If we wouldn't be in public I would have beaten you up and yelled at you. I'm SO mad at you right now. Don't you understand that you just hurt her and yourself more if you don't tell her; she whispered and that was the end of the discussion.


Today was an exciting day, at first, they had a rehearsal, with costume and everything. Ramin liked the part of actually getting into your dresses and costumes and feeling that the character comes to life. Secret Garden is not known for the most beautiful dresses and stuff, but it still sets the mood. It fits right into that time and place, feeling like Yorkshire in the beginning of 1900. Since Sierra played Lily, she got to have some nice dresses after all. She had been a little nervous about it, thinking it would be kind of boring stuff. Ramin found it so cute how exited she was about the fact about nice dresses. The four-year-old little girl might never leave because he knew Sierra always seemed thrilled when the costume designers showed her a nice dress.

This made Ramin think about all the times she had dome phantom. No matter how many times they've had done it, the dresses Maria Björnson made were, well, are phenomenal. They were so beautiful, from everyone's favourite, the blue dress to the white wedding dress or the star fairy masquerade dress. It was just the perfect thing. Sierra had texted Ramin each time, equally exited for it and showed him the dresses. Ramin also recalled phantom 25th remembering Sierras face seeing all the costumes then, and that had only been her second time in Phantom. The fact that Sierra was going to be happy today made him happy. But it wasn't all, today after the rehearsals he and Sierra were supposed to go to #LiveAtFive with Paul for Broadway.com. Doing interviews could be hard at times and boring. Ramin did not like talking that much about himself and was quite pleased with short small things. But doing it with Sierra, well that's a completely different story. She always seemed to know what to say or what to ask, which Ramin felt he did not.

And then lastly, since it was officially summer now his boys had the summer break. Which meant that they and Mandy were coming here today. Ramin had not seen his boys in a very long time and it would be nice too finally see them again. He had texted with them almost every day, to make sure they understood that he always was there. But nothing would be the same as meeting them, seeing them. It was sad not seeing them grow up, it had been like that forever, since Ramin had that kind of job. But Ramin and Amanda knew that all along, and as long as he did something in London he got to see them every day. But Ramin was not even sure he wanted to move back there. London was his home, or had been for so many years, but it did not feel the same anymore. This was not the time to think about it anyway.

In the middle of rehearsals in the morning his phone rang. He had it on if the boys or Amanda needed to tell him something during their flight. Before he answered he walked away a bit, apologising for it he heard Sierra mumble something about him always answering his phone as it was important. Some of the cast members laughed, but Ramin knew she was making a joke to back in the day during "Love Never Dies" when his phone rang twice during interviews. Ramin felt himself smile at her as he picked up the phone and looking at the caller ID he noticed it was from Mandy.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now