The One In Which Megan Gets A Little Jealous

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*Megan's POV* 

"Megan, we were filming a music video! I was acting!" Patrick cried, stressing the last word.

 "You weren't acting when you and April got lunch together!" I swallowed, trying to keep the tears at bay, but failing miserably. I shoved past Patrick and pushed open the double doors of the studio. Ignoring the stares from everyone else around me, I stomped past reception and pushed the button which unlocked the front door. Bursting outside, I turned the corner towards my car- and walked straight in to Andy, who was on his phone, leaning aganst the low brick wall. 

"Sorry." I muttered, sniffing.

"Hey, hey, hey." Andy consoled, putting his phone away and wrapping his arms around me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I replied, wiping the tears from my face and turning away. 

"'Nothing' doesn't make you cry." Andy said, releasing me from his embrace and stepping back to look me in the eyes.

"It's nothing." I whispered, my voice cracking. "What are you doing out here?"

"They don't need me for a bit, so I came to get some air."

At that moment, April, still in her nurse costume from the video, appeared outside the studio. I looked away.

"Did April do something? Megan, it was for the video. There was nothing in it." Andy said as he saw what was wrong.

"No, Andy, they went and got lunch together. She was all over him, in that skimpy little dress." April began to walk towards us, a mean glint in her eye.

"Hi Megan." She squealed in her fake high voice, her blue eyes big and a large smile on her face. "Are you okay?"

I played along. "Yeah, April, I'm fine."

She tilted her head innocently. "What's wrong?"

Like you don't know. I thought, but I responded with: "Nothing."

"Did Patty do something to upset you? He's a meanie. I'll go tell him to stop." With that, she flounced away. Andy looked at me.

"Holy hell, what a bitch!" He exclaimed. I nodded. "But why are you annoyed with Patty?" He smiled at his joke. I didn't, and his light on his face went off like a lightbulb filament blowing. 

"Because," I answered, ignoring the joke. "He was enjoying it. He was playing along. He seemed to have forgotten that he still had a girlfriend." Andy raised an eyebrow.

"This is going to sound really rude." Andy began, and paused for a bit, wondering how to phrase it. "I don't mean to be rude. Why are you here?"

"I came to bring Patrick his wallet and his keys, and Pete was collecting opinions on a few ideas he had for their next show, and wanted my help, so I stayed for a bit. And when I came back I saw them sitting at a little table in the corner of the cafeteria, sharing nachos." Andy remained silent for a bit.

"Megan, Patrick loves you. He's crazy about you. Seriously, he doesn't stop talking about you. I don't think he would purposefully do something like that."

"I don't know." I sighed. "I could be a better girlfriend. Maybe he's bored of me."

"Let's go back inside." Andy said. "Let's sort it out."

I shook my head. "I just want to go home."

"Megan, you can't run from these things that upset you." He insisted. "What'll happen is you'll get home, spend the next couple of hours worried about what he's going to do with her, overthink the whole situation and, when he gets back, you'll have a huge argument. Why go through that when you can come inside with me, sort it out now and go home happy and calm." 

I sighed, knowing that there was no excuse I can give that would justify me going home. "Okay." I said.

Andy led me back inside. Once we had got past reception, I heard Where Did the Party Go? blaring throughout the studio, making the floors vibrate slightly. 

"They're filming." I said, stopping in the middle of the corridor. "We can't go in."

Andy shook his head at me. "We'll go and get some food then. We'll wait."

I followed him in to the cafeteria, where he bought a bottle of water and I bought a salad. And, on second thought, a small bar of chocolate too. We sat in silence whilst I ate my salad. Once I'd finished, I pushed the tomatoes in the salad around the empty plastic tray. I don't like tomatoes. Andy took another sip from his water bottle and said, "Okay.  There's more to this. What's wrong?

I stayed quiet, shaking my head. 

"Megan..." Andy warned. "I'm going to get it out of you somehow. Come on, spill."

Sighing, I answered, "I'm not good enough." Andy raised an eyebrow. "I'm not good enough." I repeated.


"I get annoyed easily. I- I don't treat him like he treats me. I just-" Andy raised his hand, cutting me off.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself. If you have a problem, deal with it. Try not to sit around moping. It won't help. I understand that there are some things you can't change, and if I were you I would be upset too. But you won't get anywhere if you don't change things. Go and tell April to back off. Go and tell Patrick you love him. You've been with him for four years. If you weren't good enough, he wouldn't have stayed with you for so long, would he?" Andy stood up, tucking his chair under the table and picking up his half-full bottle of water.

Andy was right, nothing's going to change if I just sit around. I stood up and put my leftover salad in to the bin on my left. I followed Andy back down to the studio. There was no music playing, but I could hear Patrick saying something, followed by a giggle from April. Closing my eyes, I told myself not to worry and pushed open the door, Andy behind me.

Joe saw me first and smiled. He nudged Patrick, who turned to face me. It took a few seconds for a smile to form on his face, but his eyes twinkled and he looked at the floor sheepishly, like a school boy whose crush just said 'Hi' to them. April looked at me angrily. I had disturbed something.

I looked at Andy, who smiled. I grinned, at both Andy and Patrick.

"Megan, I'm sorry-" Patrick began, stepping towards me.

"No, Patrick, I'm sorry. I overreacted." At this point I smiled at April, who glared back. "You're allowed to have lunch with whoever you want.

Patrick beamed at me and encircled me with his arms, squeezing me tightly. "I love you." I whispered, so quietly I wasn't even sure if I said it aloud. Apparently I did though, as I heard an "I love you too." in reply.

I unfurled myself from Patrick's embrace and smiled innocently at April, just as she did to me earlier this afternoon. She responded with a stare so full of hatred I was surprised I didn't melt in to a puddle on the floor. I didn't care. April didn't have a chance.

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