05: Puzzle Pieces

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"I took the job, love. So even if you disapproved, I would've, like, puppy-faced my way out until you cancel our plan," Harry spoke with a grin so wide that his dimples made an appearance.

Giggling, Elsie threw another pillow at him and he dodged it, making the pillow fell helplessly to the ground. She then crawled her way to Harry's side of the bed, hovering above him, her hair falling down from her face as they both stared intently into each others eyes.

"You're an ass," she smiled.

"I know," he retorted. "But you love me."

She bit the bottom of her lip before replying, "And you love me."

And you love me.

The words echoed in his brain as her lips once again hovered over his, the tips of her nose brushing his cheek, her breath an intoxicating exhale of warmth. He closed his eyes as their lips interlocked, hands creeping to her slender waist to pull her body down to his. He felt her breath hitched as their body made contact, the touch so electric and compulsive it was almost too enthralling to let go.

Harry remembered exactly the taste of her heady lips. Warm, luscious and soft, with a hint of something sweet that he couldn't exactly put his finger on. Possibly cherry-vanilla, or strawberries, but either way, it didn't matter––because the only thing that mattered was how the taste of her lips intoxicated him, like some kind of drug he couldn't live without.

Elsie was the first to pull away, but he just simply had not had enough. His lips were somehow reluctant to part away with hers. The absence of pressure made him crave for that luscious taste even more than ever, but he refrained himself from forcing her into another kiss.

Self-control, he reminded himself.

She was hovering just inches above him, her blonde hair draped the side of his face like strawberry-scented tapestry. Harry took a few loose strands in his hand and tucked them behind Elsie's ear, carefully examining the colour as he did so. They were a dirtier blonde version of her hair. Hers were more of a golden tint, leaning towards platinum if the right amount of lighting was given.

Harry didn't know how his mind trailed off like that. Though, it was nothing but the truth; her hair was of a cleaner, golder, more vivid tint than Elsie's. His mind provided him with the image of those locks of gold shimmering under the light of the sun, and it took his breath away.

Of course, Elsie thought it was the sight of her that made this ravishing chartreuse-eyed chap ran out of breath. Her cheeks turned from ashen to a stain of pink in under a nanosecond, her smile so shy it made it seem like it was her first time kissing someone from the opposite gender. And she was over the moon; she felt special, she felt loved. She felt like kissing his plump, slightly chapped lips again and again just for the sake of taking this beautiful guy's breath away once more.

Her eyes travelled to the brown mess of Harry's hair. Lean fingers made its way gently through the strands as another exhale escaped her mouth before interconnecting with her lover's fresh pink lips. The two mouths meshed properly, like two different-shaped puzzle pieces that fit together.

Definitely like two different-shaped puzzle pieces.

They fit together.

Harry and her.

It was Elsie's turn to be the one pulling him closer and closer. Lips dancing to the rhythm of their synchronised heartbeats. Bodies colliding, exchanging heat, creating sparks only palpable to the two interconnecting souls. It was beautiful.

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