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After a few hours of running around in the gardens, Vechs and Aurey were pretty tired. They found a nice patch of grass to rest on and sat down. Vechs sat cross legged on the grass and Aureylian was lying down with her head on Vechs lap as he braided tiny flowers into her bright red hair. The scene was completely and utterly peaceful until someone's stomach started growling.

"Oops.. Sorry." Aurey said as she clutched her stomach. "I guess I'm getting kind of hungry."

Vechs giggled at the cute redhead before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the apple that Aurey had found earlier that day. He took out his diamond sword and neatly cut the apple into two halves.

"Here ya go." He handed a half to Aureylian.

"Thanks Vechy!" She ruffled his already messy black hair and gladly took the apple slice from his hand.

"Hey! I've got something else down here that I think you'll like!" Vechs announced when they were both finished eating.

"What's that?" Aurey asked.

"Follow me!" Vechs exclaimed. He helped Aurey stand up and once again, he grabbed her hand to lead her through the dangerous caves that he called home. "Let's take this shortcut through the grinders!" He said as he helped Aurey up a ladder.

When they reached the top they had to stop to catch their breath since they were both still tired from chasing each other earlier. As they sat near the top of the ladder well they heard a tiny squeak coming from the ceiling of the cave.

"What was that?" Aurey asked, looking around in confusion.

"It's a bat!" Vechs exclaimed excitedly. "I love bats and there's tons of those little guys down here!" Vechs became lost in a daze, staring at the bats above his head. Aurey started laughing at how cute Vechs was being about the tiny mammals. "Yuss, squeaks!" Vechs muttered to himself which made Aurey giggle.

"Come on Vechy! I wanna see the cool thing!" Aurey said when they had been sitting there for a while. She had loved the garden and couldn't wait to see what else Vechs base had in store.

"Okay okay! I'm coming Rel Rel." Vechs took Aurey's hand and led her to Intersection 1. Almost immediately Aureylian noticed one sign in particular.

"Oooooh! What's down there?" She asked, pointed to a sign which read 'Project Rainbow'.

"I'll show you!" The pair went down the hallway marked 'Project Rainbow' and turned a corner. As soon as Aureylian took one look into the room she froze in place.

"Oh my goodness!" She squealed, unable to contain her excitement anymore. "It's so PRETTY!"

Before her eyes was a neatly organized flock of multicolored sheep. Aureylian was so fascinated by the colorful room that she didn't know what to look at first. However, she quickly ran towards the pen containing about ten pink sheep.

"They're so cute Vechs!" She exclaimed as she cuddled with the fluffy pink animals. "How did you get them all down here?"

Vechs rubbed the back of his neck with a gloved hand. 'Rellykins looks so cute when she's around cute baby animals' Vechs thought while he watched Aurey cuddle each sheep in turn.

"Well it was a lot of work, I'll say that much." Vechs replied.

"It's incredible!" Aurey was still in awe of this farm. It must have been a lot of work to accomplish this underground.

"Hey Aurey, look at this." Vechs said, pointing to the far end of the pen. Hidden in the shadows at the back of the pen was the most adorable pink lamb. Aurey squealed when she saw him and ran to hug the adorable mass of wool.

"I love your base so much!" Aurey told Vechs as they left the area and made their way back to intersection 1. "However," she continued "I think it needs a little more of this." She removed a piece of white carpet from the hallway and took a piece of pink carpet from her pocket to replace it.

"Rel Rel!! No! I don't want it!" Vechs whined jokingly.

"Too bad! Hahaha." Aurey laughed an evil Vexian laugh as she ran down an unmarked hallway.

"This Girl..." Vechs sighed as he laughed and ran after her.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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