↱ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊; 𝕬 𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖔

Start from the beginning

"Bad," Eddie shrugged, rocking back on his heels sadly. "Wanna be in your class..."

"I'm sorry we're not together, Eddie Spaghetti," Richie apologized sadly, grasping Eddie's shoulder. The sound of an awkward cough reminded Richie of the news he had to share with Eddie. "Oh, yeah, Eddie Spaghetti, this is Stanley!"

Eddie peered over at the curly haired boy Richie pointed to with a frown.

"Hello," Stan waved, toes pigeon-footing inwardly in discomfort.

"Hi," Eddie squeaked, staring at the other boy worriedly.

"Stanley's in my class," Richie explained. "He's our new friend!"

"Oh," Eddie mumbled, heart sinking with the knowledge that Richie was making other friends to replace him.

"And Eddie Spaghetti is my bestest friend ever!" Richie explained to Stan, stepping behind Eddie and wrapping his arms around Eddie's middle before rubbing his cheek against Eddie's with a bright smile.

"It's nice to meet you Eddie... Spaghetti?" Stan replied confusedly.

"Just Eddie," Eddie squeaked back, not liking the way the nickname sounded in another person's mouth.

"Okay," Stan nodded.

"Great!" Richie grinned still hugging Eddie's middle. "Now, to the sandbox!" he cried before running towards the sandbox, dragging Eddie behind him.

From that point forward, Stanley became a permanent fixture at recess. Although it annoyed Eddie to have to share Richie with others at school, he had grudgingly accepted it. It was only when Richie had invited Stanley over to play with them one weekend in October that Eddie had had enough.

"I'm hungry," Eddie moaned as they played their third round of snakes and ladders.

"I'll go ask mommy when lunch'll be ready," Richie responded, jumping up from his spot and sending their game flying.

"Richie!" Stan groaned.

"Sorry," Richie apologized half-heartedly. Eddie had lost the last two games to the others and was on his way to another loss that Richie wanted to avoid. "New game! Be right back!"

Stanley and Eddie quietly reset the game as they waited for Richie to return, both avoiding each other's eyes shyly.

"Hey, Stanley?"

"Yeah," Stan replied, focusing on ordering the game pieces up in a straight line.

"Do you know Richie has polio?" Eddie asked innocently.

"Huh?" Stanley grunted, looking up at Eddie with scrunched eyebrows. "What's that?"

"You don't know what polio is?" Eddie gasped in a surprisingly convincing tone.

"No," Stan mumbled worriedly.

"It's a super deadly disease," Eddie explained seriously. "Anyone who is near him too much gets it and dies."

"Wh-what?" Stan's eyes widened comically, lip trembling with fright.

"Mhmm," Eddie continued with his lie. "He doesn't tell people because then they won't be his friend, but if people play with him a lot they get it and die!"

"Really?" Stan moaned.

"Uh huh," Eddie nodded. "The doctor made some medicines for me and his mommy and daddy and Mikey and Nancy, so we won't die but other peoples gets super sick and dies."

"But, but," Stan spluttered. "Why is he allowed at school? He could kill all the kids!"

"It's illegal for a kid not to go to school," Eddie shrugged. His story had obviously plot holes and impossibilities, but seven-year-old Stan didn't catch any of them.

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