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I hadn't realized these clothes were Berkut's until Massena mentioned it. I had thought they were just regular clothes that were left out for me. Oh, well. I didn't have much choice in the matter anyway.

I checked the armory, the throne room, and the gardens, but no sign of Berkut anywhere just yet. None of the guards were looking at me, thank the goddess, but I still felt a bit self-conscious.

The last places I didn't check was Berkut's room and the library. His room is closer, so I decided to check there first.

I didn't bother to knock, poking my head into the room and looking around. Upon further entry and looking, nothing was out of the ordinary or recently stirred, so he hasn't been here yet.

To the library then. If he isn't here, I give up.


It took me a few minutes to find the library, along with a few directions from the servants in the hallways. They were specific in their instruction, but I could feel their questioning eyes of my attire, making me lose my focus and get lost.

By the time I had found the place, I was exhausted from roaming so much. Whether Berkut was here or not, I was taking a nap after this.

"Good afternoon, lady (Y/n). Is there something I can assist you with?" The librarian was at her station today, instead of sorting through books and replacing them like she would be doing this evening.

"Maybe you can help me. Have you seen Berkut come in here at all today?"

The young librarian's eyes lit up as she stood from her chair, pacing up to me.

"It's quite strange for lord Berkut to come in here alone, but he did in fact come in here a while ago after he was finished with his training." She pointed to an area at the back of the library. "I believe you'll find him there. Most of our strategy books and war novels are back there, so I feel he would gravitate to that area in particular."

I bid her thanks, and quietly weaved my way to the back of the library, careful not to disturb any of the books from their resting places.

I couldn't help but release a small laugh at the sight I had found.

Berkut was fast asleep on the window sill overlooking the gardens, book left open on his current reading place in his lap while a leg and an arm dangled limply from his body, nearly scraping the floor with their length.

I pried the book from his hand, marking his place for later, and knelt at his side, watching how innocent he looks while he sleeps yet again. He must have not been training very hard to have left his armor in my room and be left in a cloth shirt and pants. He may have been riding his horse around the castle grounds while I slept.

Berkut's face contorted, a hair had tickled the tip of his nose and caused him to stir, so I gently brushed the hair away from his face, preventing any strand of hair to wake him.

"So this is where he was, eh?" Massena whispered from beside me. I nodded in reply, watching the older man scoop Berkut into his arms and carry him out of the library with me tailing behind.

"You two must not push yourselves so hard. Your wounds will not heal quickly if you exert yourself too much."

"I understand, Massena, but what should we do besides sit in bed and rest? I will not just sit idle while others work."

Massena raises a brow, losing himself in thought. "Perhaps you and Lord Berkut could... possibly discuss battle strategy for upcoming battles and practice with your magic? It will occupy your time while also being productive."

"Excellent idea, Massena. My thanks."

"What was young Berkut reading, by the way?" Massena motions to the book I had nearly forgotten I had been carrying. Turning the cover over, I read a few pages. 

"Hm... art of swordplay. He must really desire to learn a new weapon. I wonder why?"

Massena chuckles. "I'm making him learn how to use a sword so he can have most advantages in battle if he needs to. Also, that sword is a treasure of the Rigelian royal family, and since he is the crown prince of Rigel, he would've eventually had to learn to wield it."

I opened the door to Berkut's room, allowing Massena to step through and carry Berkut to his bed and set him down. 

"He should wake up any time, but I wouldn't doubt he'll sleep longer. Lord Berkut takes long naps after training sometimes." Massena smiles, taking his exit and closing the door behind him.

Pride and Arrogance: Berkut x readerWhere stories live. Discover now