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Berkut looked like an innocent child while he slept, without any struggle or pain, as if the world had done nothing to him except keep him untouched as he slept. 

It didn't help much that his head was resting on my chest, but I was a bit too embarrassed to move him.

We'll probably be here a while.


So I didn't draw him sleeping, but I did this instead yay!


I don't remember falling asleep, but the next thing I know is my pillow is a whole lot softer than in the medical center, and my blankets are thicker as well.

Peeling my eyes open, I take in my new surroundings to be my room. Berkut must have moved me here after scaring the nurses away.

Speaking of Berkut, the only sign of him being here was his armor set in one of the chairs by the window, metal glimmering in the sunlight, and his cape draped over the bed sheets, almost like it had been placed there in a bit of a rush. It smells just like mint and pine trees, and perhaps a hint of chocolate?

Either way, time is better spent out of bed, so here we go. I swing my legs over the side of the mattress, gently placing them on the ground and pushing off the bed. I wobble a bit, but keep a firm hand on the nearby furniture to keep me from falling.

My side burns some every time I move, but I can't just stay in bed while everyone else is out working can I? Didn't think so.

I decided against my normal battle armor, going for a more comfortable shirt and trousers I found in the bathroom. The shirt was a bit big and had very long sleeves,  but it was better than wearing a corseted dress or battle armor all the time.

Returning to the bedroom, my eyes land on the cape that remains over the bed sheets, the golden embroidery along the edges shining when the light touches it.

Maybe Berkut won't mind if I borrow this for a while. It is quite cold in the palace.


I met many people in the hallway, none of which were Berkut or anyone I knew in particular. One of the maids pointed me in the direction of the kitchen for Massena. He was eating a quick lunch before making another round of the perimeter.

"(y/n)? You shouldn't be up and about just yet. You are still healing." Massena tried to sit me down, but I refused, giving him a small reassuring smile.

"I'm fine, Massena. I just have a small pain in my side, but it's fine."

"I understand this, my lady, but you still shouldn't be roaming the grounds alone. Lord Berkut would be quite worried if he were to return to your chambers and find you absent."

"Hm.. I didn't think of that. Do you know where he is?"

"I do not know an exact location, but the last time I saw him, he was training with Zeke, but that was about an hour ago. Perhaps he may be in the gardens?"

I smiled and nodded to Massena, turning and heading out. 

"Oh and milady." Massena calls out, halting me and catching my attention.

"Take care parading around in Lord Berkut's attire. It may catch unwanted stares."

I couldn't hide my blush, which resulted in bellowing laughter from the older man as I continued on my way.

Pride and Arrogance: Berkut x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora