Chapter 7: Great, Another School Day

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, sir," Pax called to the other driver, along with a friendly wave. "Jeez, next time give me a heads up please, so I don't wreck us."

"Sorry," I muttered, embarrassed, "but what do you mean we're in Franklin, North Carolina?"

"Uh, because we are?"

"Are you sure?"

"I've grown up here my whole life," he replies. "I think I would know where I live by now."

"But how?" I questioned.

"I don't know, where do you think we were?"

"Myrtle Beach, South Carolina."

Pax whistled. "Dang girl, you were far off."

"Yeah, I figured that out already," I grumbled as I crossed my arms.

"How did you get all the way over here."

"I don't know. I passed out when I was with my boyfriend, well, my ex-boyfriend, I'm breaking up with him next time I see his stupid face. Anyways I passed out when I was with him, and woke up in-" I paused. No, don't tell him that part, he doesn't need to know about that. Pax glanced at me, waiting for me to continue. "Sorry, lost my train of thought. I passed out and then woke up in the middle of the forest, and then you found me."

"Uh huh," Pax said, not exactly believing my story. "So why were you wearing orange?"

Oh. I forgot about that. "Oh, we were hanging out after my performance in our school play. We put on Annie, and the school thought it would be a good idea to dress up the girls in the orphanage in orange jumpsuits to add to the character. I was one of the orphan girls." Few, good one Bri.

"Okay," Pax replied, not looking like he was buying the whole thing, but also not questioning any further. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We rode the rest of the way in silence until we got to the school, they place he picked me up not even twelve hours ago.

"I want you to prepare yourself," Pax turned me after parking the car. "Pretty much all the girls in this school are daddy's girls, meaning that they are very spoiled and absolutely hate it when they don't get their way. So, by showing up here with you, it's implying to all of them that we are a thing, so you'll probably get a bunch of heated glances since I have put such a big target on your back. Sorry about that. Anyways," he continues while reaching in the back of the car, "I bought a backpack for you to feel more comfortable while you're here. It's not someone from the school, I ordered it for you last night. Anyways, we better head inside, school starts in ten minutes."

Alright then, I thought as I followed him in. This day should be interesting.


Boy was I dead right. As soon as I walked into the building I was met with boys glancing me up in down while smirking, and Pax stared them down. Girls gave me looks that, and I am not exaggerating one bit, could have killed me if they wanted to. Seriously, you would have thought that Pax had dumped them the day before and then showed up with me. It's not like we were even showing any signs of being in a relationship; we were only walking down the hallway next to each other, that's it.

It wasn't too bad, though. Most of them were cowards and would stay in their circles and talk, which I could deal with. As soon as I got back to Pax's house,  I was going to figure out how to get back to my dad and my hometown.

One girl did walk up to us though, and that was interest.

"Hi Pax!" she said as soon as she saw us. She was a bubbly girl, about two inches shorter than me, and I'm only 5'3'', and kind of bouncing on the balls of her feet a little bit. She wore her dark, brown hair straight down, and it was about mid-length. Her natural makeup, even though she wore a lot of it, highlighted her almond eyes. As I was looking at her, I thought she and Pax would make an adorable couple (which made me jealous but I don't know why), but when she walked up to us, I felt Pax roll his eyes, so I took it he didn't like her very much.

"Hi Chloe," he said back. "How are you doing today."

"Oh, I'm doing amazing!" she pretty much sang.

"Like always," Pax muttered in annoyance so only I could hear, which caused me to snort, drawing her attention from Pax to me, her smile turning into a look of disgust.

"And who is," she looked me up and down, "this?" adding a gusted hint on 'this'.

"This," gesturing to myself, "has a name."

"And her name is Briana," Pax added.

Chloe looked at me up and down again, her disgusted face not changing. "Chloe's better," she said before she turned back to Pax. "Anyways, are we still on for tonight?" she asked as she grabbed both of his.

"Yeah, we never were." Pax took both of his hands out of hers and took mine to pull me away. I glanced back to see what her face was like, and I have never seen someone resemble a tomato so much. Well, she was more like a boiled tomato, because she was steaming mad (see what I did there:).

We got through the first period without an incident, but that changed when I saw a familiar guard walking down the hallway.

"Crap," I said, and grabbed Pax's arm and yanked him into the nearest closet.

"Well Winter," he said in a husky voice. Oh boy. "I've only known you for twelve hours and we are already getting physical."

"Shut up," I said and shoved him backward, having him laugh.

"So why are we actually in here?"

"So you know those guys out there? Well, this might sound unbelievable, but I escaped from a prison before you found me."

Pax gave an overly dramatic gasp. "Really? I had no clue."

"Seriously Pax, this is important. They're here looking for me, and if they find me, then they are taking me to this guy named Bill, and my gut tells me that Bill is not a nice person."

"Alright," he said crossing his arms, "you still have some explaining to do, but for right now, what are we going to do?"

"I think they are in here," we heard a voice say from outside the door.

"Oh no," I whispered.

Just as the door was opening Pax grabbed my face and kissed me.

Just kidding! I wish though.

He grabbed my face and put his lips on my jawline, that way to the person looking at us from the door, it looked like we were making out, but he also couldn't see my face. Pax turned to look at the guy in the doorway, still shielding my face.

"Excuse me," he said with some attitude. "Do you mind?"

"Ah, I'm sorry," replied the man in the doorway. "But if you'll excuse us, we think you guys are the people we are looking for."

All of the sudden, Pax reached out and grabbed the man's wrist. "We aren't the people you are looking for."

"Oh well then sorry for bothering you two lovebirds." He closed the door and left, but not before we heard him mutter, "Kids these days."

I turned to Pax. "Why did he believe you so quickly?" I looked into his eyes and saw that he was clearly hiding something, and for the same reason I was. "I think we both have some explaining to do."

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