Ramin was forced to stop his thoughts because Ali dropped down in the sofa beside him. She gave him a coffee mug before making herself comfortable.

- So, tell me about it, were you just meeting up this morning? she tried to start the conversation.

- Not exactly...; Ramin figured he just could have lied but now, it was too late.

- So, then what? Ali pressed on.

- She stayed in my apartment over the night because of the weather; he said as fast as he could as if that would help.

- She what?! Ali almost dropped her mug with her coffee.

- Nothing happened, I promise.

Ramin did not want Ali to get the wrong picture on what really had been going on. Not only for himself, but also for Sierra. It would be extremely hard for her if it started to become rumours among the cast. Also, Ramin did not want to be responsible for them. Ramin didn't know what was going on in Ali's head but her whole face was lit up with one of the biggest smiles. She placed her coffee on the table and rested her upper body on her forearms before she started taking again:

- Are you sure it only was because of the storm? Are you sure she would not have had stayed otherwise?

- I'm not sure... but...

Ali stopped him by reaching her hand up.

- Stop there Ramin, I've seen the way she looks at you and talks to you. I truly believe she likes you.

- She what? Ramin did not know to do or think.

- She likes you.

Sierra liked him? For real, she had feelings for him? Ramin's feelings were messed up right know. He had never admitted to himself that he liked Sierra but right know he felt like he was on cloud nine. His whole stomach was filled with small overexcited butterflies. It seemed all too good to him that this was happening, he did not deserve this. He found himself smiling, he did not know why. But maybe he did. Maybe it was time to tell himself the truth. The truth of his true feelings.

- Are you sure? Ramin asked Ali, not wanting to get hopes just to be turned down.

- Ramin, stop worrying, I'm positive. The way you spend time with each other all the time, sitting next or on each other, laughing together. The cast has surly noticed you doing things after work all the time; Ali smiled a little smile before she continued: Everyone suspects that there is something going on between you two, they just don't want to talk about it in front of you. 

He felt... amazing. Sure, that's basically stuff friend could do as well, but something told him that it was not that in this case. Ramin could feel his checks becoming hot by the thought of all the times his and Sierra's too beautiful eyes had locked together. All the times her perfect smile and her shining green eyes looked at him, all the times they laughed together for something silly. How amazing it had felt to have her close to him when they hugged, when they did yoga, when he tickled her or the over thrilled feeling of her bare legs to his when they slept in the same bed. She had seemed so comfortable, like she was exactly where she wanted to be, and Ramin hoped that was where she wanted to be. Just before this he had been thinking if Sierra thought he was clingy, but hearing this point of view he wasn't too sure anymore. He wanted to do everything for her know that he knew the truth. This was all too good to be true.

- Are your hundred percent positive? he asked Ali a second time.

Ali just laughed at his comment and seemed to be at peace when she sat back in the sofa.

- So, you like her as well? I suspect; Ali said. 

Ramin was not sure if it was supposed to be a statement or a question.

- Do you think I should do something nice for her?

Ramin suddenly felt like he had a too good shot and not to be thrown away. Now that he knew how he felt about her, Ramin thought that he needed to do something before it was too late. But still, Mandy was recently, and Sierra was probably beating herself down for liking a man who was grieving. If Sierra really liked him so to say. Even if Ali said this trying to be nice you could never fully trust a second source. Ramin was over Mandy, but he knew that Sierra could think that his night mares had been about that. He somehow needed to show Sierra that he did not feel like that about Mandy anymore. The only thing about London know was his children. Ramin also needed to figure out how to lead things from here. If the case was that they had feelings for each other they could not just ignore them, that would affect everything in a bad way. But somehow Ramin needed to consider their friendship in all of this, but only concluded that even though it had been ongoing for years Ramin felt like he did not have another choice than choosing Sierra. Choosing her like more than a friend. It was time to act.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now