- Thank you for making the table; he said and gave her a warm smile.

She realised that he saw that she stared at him and she blushed instantly and looked down on the plate as she said:

- No problems.

When he opened the fridge to get juice, syrup and berries her eyes sought their way to his muscular back. Why did he have to be this muscular and good-looking? Her eyes were glued to his body so when he turned around she had another round of blushing. She hated that she acted like this, but she couldn't help it. Especially since he kind of invited her to when he walked around without a shirt. Was this a sign? Sign for what? Sierra, get a grip on yourself!

After the breakfast she looked at the clock that hung over the doorway that lead to the vestibule. Their rehearsals started at ten o'clock and now it was eight. Because she hadn't done her daily morning yoga yet, and since she had two hours to spare she thought of doing it now. She stood up and walked towards Ramin's bedroom.

- What are you doing? Ramin asked as his eyes followed her movements.

- I'm gonna put on my yoga pants and do my daily morning yoga routine before rehearsals; she replied.

- Aha, but do you wanna borrow a pair of sweat pants instead, so you don't have to use your old clothes, I mean?

- Sure; she said and then she came up with the greatest idea in history. By the way, do you wanna join me?

She saw how he had a debate with himself but after some seconds he looked up and said:

- Why not?

She laughed, and they went into his bedroom to find sweatpants to her and a shirt to him.

His sweatpants were a lot too big but folding them up a bit they somewhat fitted, and she was satisfied. They had cleaned a spot in his living room from things and they were about to start.

- Are you sure about this? he said sounding a bit nervous.

- Of course, I am; she laughed and sat down on the floor patting on the spot next to her for him to sit down.


He regretted making this decision a lot. Not only being the most inflexible human on this planet, now he had to show it to the most flexible one. Sitting down next to Sierra he inhaled deeply and listened to her instructions. They were first going to do some yoga positions one and one and later doing pair-yoga.

- Okay, first off you are gonna bend over like this; she said and folded herself in two so that her whole stomach and upper body laid flat against her legs.

- Do you really think I should do that? You know that I'm the most inflexible person you've ever met, right?

She laughed a little but eventually forced him to try to do the same thing as her. He tried his best, but he couldn't even touch his toes. Laughing hard now, Sierra pushed on his back to make him bend over a bit more.

- Ouch! It hurts; he said and felt how she collapsed on his back laughing.

Even if it hurt he liked sitting there, not because it was a nice feeling to stretch, but because Sierra found it funny that he was inflexible. This made her laugh so hard that she laid over his back and rested her forehead on his shoulder. The closeness of her head to his neck made his skin tingle.

After several different positions it was time for them to do "partner yoga".

- Ramin, now we're gonna do this; she said and pointed towards a picture she had searched for on her phone.

Looking at the picture Sierra was pointing he wondered how on Earth he was going to bend that way. He was supposed to stand on all four, with knees and arms straight, bending forward (also called a downward facing dog) and Sie was going to lay on top of him bending backwards holding her own feet.

- You know that you could have chosen an easier position, right? he said with a little laugh as his stomach turned when he realised that almost her whole body was supposed to touch his.

- You can do this! she giggled. Let's go now!

Pushing away his thoughts he sat down on his knees and put his hands down on the ground.

- Are you sure of this? he asked again.

- Yes, do it now! Come on Ramin; she laughed when he "tried" to do the position but they fell on the floor again.

Taking a deep breath, he tried again for real, but he was a little too inflexible, so he couldn't keep his knees straight. Laughing hard Sierra climbed up on his back and sat down on his butt. His legs hurt a lot but not wanting to fall and risk that someone got hurt he continued standing there as he felt Sierra bend backwards and her whole back laid against his legs.

- Did we make it? he asked after what in his opinion was way too long.

- Yes; she said and jumped off his back.

He fell to the floor and pretended to die in pain, and as he expected Sierra started laughing loudly.

After finishing their yoga Ramin let Sierra borrow his shower as he washed the dishes. As he stood at the sink letting hot water clean the plates his thoughts immediately went to Sierra. How she probably stood in the shower letting the warm water flow down her thin body. Realising what he thought about he almost punched himself. He didn't like her in that way, they were only friends. He had no romantic feelings for her whatsoever, even if she had the most beautiful eyes, best personality, the most adorable laugh and she was overall the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

When Sierra came out of the bathroom he noticed that her wet hair smelled just like his shampoo and wondered why his shampoo smelled better on her than on him. Pushing that thought away he walked into his room and took out clean clothes to wear. After that he made his way towards the bathroom to get a shower.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now