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When I woke up and getting ready for work, I saw Namjoon leaving the house.

Since the day we broke up, Namjoon always visiting you.

"Namjoon, where are you going?" I asked him while he was getting his keys.

"You dont need to know, hyung" he answered.

"Namjoon, just answer my freaking question"

"Hyung, you don't really have to know." Namjoon answered again.

He was going at the door and I called him.

"I know you are going to Jimin." I told him that made him look at me.

"Hyung, you don't have to know"

"Namjoon, make Jimin happy and move on, I know you like her."

"I just want to tell you one thing." he said and looked me seriously.

"You don't know anything about me and Jimin is happy with me" he said and went out.

I wish this is just a dream, I wish this wont work, I wish I can have you back, I wish you wont move on Because I know..

I am special to you, Jimin


Well, I guess I'm back lol. Sorry for not updating for so long, but I promise I will finish this book this June and in July I will continue to write to some of my stories.

Thanks for reading and for being patient :))

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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