chapter 2

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                                                                                  First Day Part 2


"Oi Oi looky here boys" someone yelled, ignoring it as i carried on looking through my locker. "OI YOU" they shouted as I had turned around noticing a huge gang surrounding me... 'Oh shit' i thought.  Ash and Cal are stood upfront trying to stay out of it as Tyler pushes his way to the front "Poor little loner" he mocked laughing at me, well atleast I hoped it wasn't me but it probably was. you see I'm known as the school slut. only because I sleep around, I like to have my fun.This school HAD rules but I didn't follow them neither did the jocks. but as I'm a girl and I like sex I have it with pretty much everyone, they believe its right to mock me and bully me .  As the rest of the jocks stood around laughing. Another Jock decided it would be funny to push Me into the lockers and as it happened. I felt my back hit off the cold rough metal of the locker doors, I shouted "What do you want with me now" then tyler smirked "aww you nervous babe" he said getting closer to me. Might I add 'a bit close for comfort' tyler isnt the kind of guy id fuck. he isn't my type... too clingy and cocky.

However. He was my type. I thought as I saw angelo approaching. 5'11, hazel eyes, pale complection, pearly white teeth, muscular stature and his brown hair. Angelo Costa, My type. But I'm obviously not his. He dates people like Melanie Harther. Ex bestfriend Angelos Ex fling. that's a story for later but for now. He is one of the hottest guys at school except for Luke and mike. But still Angelo is more my type. He and Mike rule the school together. Everyone loves them.

Angelo had approached by this point, and was about to say something when lauren stops him by shouting " Don't call me babe " By now, Luke has Lauren pinned to the lockers when angelo yells "Oi DICKHEADS. Leave her the slut alone ye. weve gotta go find mike" they all let go and start walking away. "I...I'm not lonely. AND NEVER CALL ME BABE AGAIN. AND DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN" she yells angrily. when lucy holds lauren she glares at ash and cal "Why? Why do you hang with them when they are dicks to us?" i muttered and stomped off upset. I noticed as I looked back ash and cal shrugging and talking to lucy. What kept her so long? Who kept her so long.

I decide I don't want to be moody so ill forgive her and go to class. And that's what I do, walking into first period I sit in my seat behind lucy, who sits next to Michael Clifford.  Angelos Best friend. Angelos co head jock and partner in crime. Michael in my eyes is third hottest guy in school. Its angelo then luke then mike. But lucy she thinks different. Mikes her number one. Crushed on him since 4th grade. However hes never noticed her.


Walking away from the slut and her friends me and the guys went on the search for mike. as we spot him on the bench outside having a smoke we walk over "where were you mike" I had questioned taking a ciggy from mike and having a smoke myself. Mike replied "That Galaxy haired girl bumped into me. Theres something about her man, I'm telling you now" they all laughed, but me I know what hes talking about. he likes her. Lucy Quinn, bestfriends with Lauren O'Brien. The one the guys where pushing around. Lucy was there in her lil outfit and glasses. Galaxy themed hair in all its glory. That's new, I've seen her around school plenty of times, but shes NEVER had galaxy hair. It was a shade of rusty Blonde. As Luke shouted "We've got first period" they all nodded and hung around so mike and Angelo could finish smoking before they made their grand entrance.  Walking into class mike sits next to Lucy and I sit next to mike on the other side.

When I notice her out the corner of my eye. She's stunning. Lauren O'Brien, how have I never noticed this before. Patel Blue hair beach waves hanging to one side. These  high cheekbones and Large vibrant blue eyes, when she blinks she has such grace. I got butterflies thinking about her, Her long legs and her red lips. I've never seen her without makeup but with she's gorgeous. I hope she's better without. She's wearing these fitted black trousers with fit her figure perfectly, her bum looks great, well from what I can see. A loose grey jumper brown thigh high boots a brown hat and bag. Her taste in fashion isn't the worst either. I heard her party clothes are revealing and sexy. I hope she comes to the next party we have. "Class I know you've just come back into the school year... but we have ALOT of work to do, so please turn to page 164" said Mr Mong as he sat at the front of class. Mike placed his legs upon his desk when he sat down and says "sup Mong" that's is daily routine. "Feet down Clifford" Mong says back distressed and agitated. If anything out class is his worst. We cause ALOT of trouble for him, But that's okay as Mr Mong is around 70 and will be leaving work soon enough. hell get plenty days off. I laughed to myself. not taking my eyes off lauren the whole time, I hear mike respond to mongs demand "Ill think about it" he laughs at himself as Lucy lets out a comment "How about Now Michael" as she pushes his feet off the desk, releasing a laugh from everyone including lauren, her laugh is adorable her smile is infectious.


"you've got an attitude Galaxy" I smirk. I call her this as her hair is Galaxy themed and I don't often use first names. as everyone usually calls me Clifford. She rolls her eyes at my remark and then I hear "cocky bastard" its quiet but loud enough for me to hear, I look to see who said it when I see lauren whispering to Lucy about me. Rude much. Lucy lets out a giggle and Lauren's 'rude' comment and it makes me question "what's funny galaxy" I asked I put some strawberry gum in my mouth and start chewing. Before She responds I hear Ashton telling Lauren About me and Angelo being moved down a grade due to out behaviour, which causes me to smile then I hear Lucy's response "Apart from you" there was a pause Then lauren spoke "ash why hang with them, when they are dicks" gosh, my feeling are hurt right now. "i have no choice I'm sorry" I'm sick of this conversation.

"Galaxy wanna meet for a smoke" I smirk trying to change the subject. she looks at me asif I'm stupid? what did I say something? is there something on my face? "i don't smoke" she claims as she adjusts her glasses, which are really big compared to her perfect little face. She smiles and it shows off her cute little dimples. That's when I hear it "Yes you do. You always do. you fucker, But your my friend so i've gotta love you.... anyways whos that angelo guy?" she asked about Angelo. Which tells me she has feelings for him... Ooooo. "just an 11th grader who moved down too for the same reasons as mike" Ash continues. "You don't. Damn man. guess your not cool enough" I laugh "Galaxy you intrigue me you know" I say as I glare at angelo smirking.

she offers to stand and watch me smoke if it counts. its a good offer. "he's... yeeee" Lauren said blushing.  She likes my boy Angelo, Although she has no chance. I laughed at myself I muttered to lucy "No fun" then I walked out of class and went round the corner to see if she'd follow and she did"


"no fun" he said before getting up and walking out. It made me realise I need to prove him wrong. I need to show him I am fun "Sir may I go to the toilet" I ask Mr Mong, as he nods and carries on teaching, I get up and walk out following Mike. He heads towards the front doors "I am Fun" I argue but theres no point, he'll never believe me because honestly I don't w=like getting into trouble so that influences on what I do.  He shakes his head "No you're not" he claims as he leaves school grounds. I follow All the way until he turns around "Where do you think your going" I ask him he ignores me goes a few steps forward then stops again "If you're fun youll come with me"


"Ooh nothing" he claims after I comment on Angelo. whats he hinting? "Ash tell me" I ask him as he shakes his head laughing, by now Luke has moved a seat forward so he is closer to me and Ash as were talking "Its nothing jesus" he claims, but it isn't nothing, its something... I want to know what hes thinking. "Ash let me ask you this. why do you hang out with a slut?" Luke asked. I knew it would only take a few hours of the day before its mentioned. but it was within the first 2 hours and Luke mentions it. "Call her that again and i'll knock your teeth out" Ash threatens. He's adorable when he tries to act tough. Hes soft as on the inside.

Man I need a smoke. Now would bee a perfect time.

"Ash. shes. a. slut. What? got feelings for her" luke claimed. That's when I look at ashton to see his response. I will admit it caught me offguard witht he feelings bit, Ash is just my good friend since we were 4. our mums were friends. Empasise on 'Were' They fell ou years ago, but that didn't mean me and Ash had to. Ash had rolled his eyes and muttered to Tyler "Dickhead" tyler agreed and that's when I was shocked "Deck him?" ash asked tyler who got up and started throwing punches at Luke. This isn't the Ashton I know and love. whats changed him?


Once I'm a few steps of property mike shouts "Galaxy how dare you elave school property before schools finished" and then teachers came running out "Ok.ok I'm sorry" I say backing up, trying to avoid detention. but it didn't help. And I knew the bad boy got ME detention.

"LUCY QUINN... Lucy Quinn" the teacher yells shocked it was me "D...detention now, as for you Clifford" she shouted. I look to mike and he smirked "This... this is where we run right" I was suprised when he shook his head and headed inside. I followed and headed back to class when I saw Luke on the floor covered in blood and I heard lauren yelling "Fuck sake guys. he called me a slut, Ash it isn't like the rest of your friends haven't called me that before. or said anything worse. you didn't stick up for me then, don't do it now" she said angrily and Ash looked devastated... what had happened. Lauren had stood up and went to walk out when she tripped over Angelo's foot. he bent down and caught her... OOOO how romantic. "don't fall" he smiled at her, I rolled my eyes at her response "I'm fine" she said as she straightened her self out and sat back down behind me. "Ladies huh" mike laughed as I scowled at him. "So what happened here. Luke?" he asked then Angelo replied "More like what happened there" he nudged his head in my direction.

"Galaxy got detention for me. isn't that right tuts" mike claimed laughing, I had nothing to say to him so I picked up a pen and chucked it at him "Awww how cute" cal , my closest friend, says laughing. "Lil Gal getting mad?" mike asked. and my answer is yes but I wont tell mike that. not now, not ever!

"Great so you both have after school detention" Ash said glaring at me knowing Lauren was his ride home but shed wait for me which meant he and Cal had to wait. "Awww has she got a lil crush" Luke said as I glared at him Clearly pissed I shout "Shut up Hemmings. go sort your face out" I snapped and lauren dropped her ciggy that was in her mouth "Wait what.. you never get detention. The fuck man" I cant do this not now. I need to calm down but how... "JUST DROP IT YE" I yell, I have never yelled at lauren like that. Oh my god I hope she forgives me. Lauren then got up grabbed her stuff and left.

"Are these women on their periods or something?" Luke asks from the back, As I rolled my eyes. I was just in time As the bell went. "Finally. guys? fags?" mike asks and I answer before them "I'm gonna need a ciggy at the end of this" mike looked ant me and winked "Thought you didn't smoke tuts. but I see your friend does. she's fun" he laughed "You make me want to smoke" I say back as he gets up and winks at me then leaves. "Lord help me" I say to myself as I get up and head to look for Lauren.  I find her outside on the bleachers "Shit where is it" she says to herself looking through her bag I walk over and apologise then I ask if she was alright. she just looked at me "Ive lost it. Its gone".


-2322 words-

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it was really long. But it had detail and I couldn't miss any of it out.

I left ya'll on a cliffhanger. hope ya'll don't mind.

Questions: Whats Happening next?

                        Whats Lauren lost?

                         Will Lucy start smoking?

Love Luna xx

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