MafuMafu X Reader

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I'm gonna start with EVERYONE'S favorite... MafuMafu!

Oh also another thing that I'm gonna add later to the info chapter is that I can't do lemons... Sorry :{

Also reminder: Y/N means 'Your name
Just to let you know :)

·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Unkown Love ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·

You were waiting for Soraru with Mafu outside a cafe. It was evening and it was pretty chilly.

You chatted about random things until Mafu looked serious all of a sudden.

"Hey Y/N, can I tell you something? If I don't... I'll probably regret it and you'll probably hate me for it..."

You frowned. "Mafu, you know I can't hate you! What's on your mind?"

Mafu hesitated before saying...

"Well... I like Soraru... And I know you do too so that's why I wanted to tell you! So you wouldn't get mad at me..." His voice became more quiet towards the end.

You were left speechless. Mafu began to fidget meaning that he was getting nervous and uncomfortable. You took a deep breath before speaking.

"I won't hate you for that! In fact, how about we make a deal that if Soraru ends up with either of us, there won't be any hard feelings and we'll keep being friends! Okay?" You stretched your hand for Mafu to shake.


"What are you guys so pumped up about?" A familiar voice came from behind you.

"O-oh, hey Soraru! We were just talking about this new manga coming out and it looks really cool!" You tried your best to come up with something and eyed Mafu to help you.

"Oh yeah...! I think it's coming around this month and it's by our favorite artist." Mafu added in like a pro. Makes you a bit worried but Soraru bought it so you let it slide.

"So, shall we go in?" Mafu asked already ahead of you.

You all got into the cafe, ordered your drinks and dessert and talked about your days.

Soraru seemed a bit distracted though, like he was thinking about something... Or someone. You decided to ask Soraru what was wrong.

"Is something wrong Soraru? You seem a bit distracted..."

While hearing this, Mafu turned to look at Soraru.

Soraru sighed and then proceeded to say, "Can I trust you guys about this...?" Soraru looked down at his drink.

You both nodded with a small 'yes' and put your full attention towards Soraru with worried faces.

"Well... I think I like this person and I don't know if I should ask them out or not..." Soraru blushed while saying this.

Being the supportive friends you are, both you and Mafu gave advice to Soraru on how to deal with this.

"May you describe them...?" You asked nervously, waiting for his response.

Soraru described the person he liked but the description he gave didn't match you nor Mafu.

"I'm sure they'll accept! You're a wonderful person Soraru! Anyone would fall for you!" Mafu said while grinning.

"I agree, I hope it goes well Soraru!" You smiled at him as well.

"Thanks you guys, I knew I could trust you." Soraru also joined into the smiling party.

You all continued talking until it was time to part ways. You and Mafu waved to Soraru and walked to your apartments.

You and Mafu were neighbors so you shared the same way home. You both walked in silence analyzing what just happened at the cafe.

The moon shined brightly on the two of you making shadows on the pavement.

"Hey Mafu? Can I stay at your place for tonight?" You asked in a small voice.

"H-huh? Why?" Mafu stuttered while asking, seeming amused by your question.

"I just don't want to be alone tonight!" You said in a childish voice while pouting.

"Race you there then!" Mafu shouted while getting a head start.

"Hey! No fair!" You shouted back, chasing after him.

~Couple of weeks later~

You and Mafu already accepted the fact that Soraru liked someone and let him go for good.

From that event, you and Mafu spent more time together and bonded more over things.

Today, you and Mafu were gonna make a hot pot just for the two of you in your apartment. It was the middle of winter so it made sense.

You both agreed that Mafu bought the ingredients, you provided pots and you both cooked.

You waited in your apartment doing (favorite pass time).

A knock came from the other side of the door and excitedly, you ran to open it.

The other side of the door revealed Mafu in a big coat with gloves and a scarf. He had grocery bags on both of his gloved hands.

You quickly let him in as you felt the cold windy air come in. You took the bags from his hands letting him take off his winter wear.

"You sure did bring a lot... Make sure not to use too much of your money..." You said while unpacking(?) And putting everything on the kitchen counter.

"Hey...! I want the hot pot to be good! Don't worry about me!" Mafu pouted while coming into the kitchen.

~Hours later, after you finished the hot pot feast~

You both laid on the carpeted ground of your apartment, cradling your stomachs.

"I'm so full...!" Mafu shouted weakly.

You're eyes were heavy and threatening to close. You tried to fight it but in the end, you gave in.

"Hey Y/N"


Mafu got up from his spot and moved next to you.

"Oh, you fell asleep..." Mafu smiled heat rising to his cheeks.

He didn't know why he felt like this. He thought that maybe over time he fell in love with you. Mafu smiled more at the thought.

Mafu brought the blanket and laid next to you. He hugged you from behind and took in your scent. He couldn't wait to tell you his feelings.

Ahhhhh! Omg! This was so cute to write! I actually got this idea from a manga that I read when I was in 4th grade. It's really cute and I recommend you read it! It's called 'Venus in Love'. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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