Home Sweet Home

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It's not my fault. It's yours.

We got out of the car and walked into their flat. It felt cozy, and Dan and Phil immediately started asking all their normal, "we have a guest" questions.

"Are you thirsty?"

"Not for what you think."

They laughed and I smiled. I wasn't kidding.


"Obviously, yes."

Dan was already in the kitchen. "Way ahead of you."

Phil lead me to the kitchen and I looked through their pantry. I found some cereal, some bags of chips and candy, along with crackers. I snagged a bag of Lays and opened it up, digging in.

They stared at me. I paused, my handful of chips halfway to my mouth. I blinked. "What."

Dan snorted and Phil laughed. "We forgot how much you liked food." Dan leaned into Phil, laughing so hard he could hardly stand.

I furrowed my brows. "I'm insulted. That's practically the most important thing about me. And to me. Food." I shoveled another mouthful in. "Wanna show me around? Or can I do it myself?"

Dan tsked. "It's rude to talk with your mouth full." Phil rolled his eyes at him. "As if you don't do it too."

"So do you."

I walked past them into the hallway. I didn't know where I was going, but it's not like there were a lot of options. There were only three rooms.

I turned into the first door on the right. It was a bathroom, kinda big in my opinion. The walls were white, and the floors were too, accented with a little black. It was pretty.

As pretty as a bathroom can be anyway.

I turned around and saw Dan and Phil in the doorway. I raised both eyebrows at them. "You guys must have a lot of money."

They both shrugged. Dan blushed. I guessed they didn't honestly think about it too much.

That was good at least. I would hate for them to become too egotistical.

"Well, you going to show me your new rooms or not?" Phil moved first, then Dan, each on their own path to their own rooms, I suspected.

I followed them like a little sheep, turning around the corner. I saw both of them walk into the same room. I tilted my head a little, confused.

I walked into the room and found one queen sized bed in the middle of the room, surrounded with various recording equipment and lots of wires. The bedsheets were a dark blue, the pillows a soft white. The entire room was a dark blue as well. I found myself lost, in the color at least.

I wondered if it came like this, or if they redecorated.

"We redecorated." Dan said, plopping down on the bed. He looked around the room.

"How did-"

"Believe it or not, you said it out loud."

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