Chapter Two

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I stared at all the kids in the huge room. They all regarded me silently. I felt like a tiny bug under a microscope. Elle glanced at my strained expression.

"Aiyana you can sit now," He murmured and I stole a grateful glance at him. I hurried off the stage. Finally away from all those stares. It felt like they were dissecting me or something, their gazes as sharp as scalpels. Maybe they're not very excited about having a freak join their Academy. I sighed and sat in the chair beside Daniel. I kept my gaze averted from his. I was not in the mood for his games.

"Now since that is over everyone can leave now," Elle said. I leapt from the chair, dashing away to make my escape. I could hear Daniel shout. I sighed but stopped.

"Wait, Aiyana! Ugh, come here!" I looked back to see him enveloped in a croud of gleaming and pretty girls. I rolled my eyes. Of course he was popular. Someone that good-looking isn't in the nerd group. I whirled around and walked out of the lounge and into the hallway. I looked everywhere for my room. No luck. Ugh, typical Aiyana. She's sarcastic, has some attitude in her, and she's also pathetic when it comes to directions. I sighed and turned to the wall, banging my head against it.

"Uh, you okay there?" I jumped at the sound of a voice. A girl my age was standing there, her brown hair pulled up in a ponytail. I flushed and silently cursed myself. I nervously smiled and shifted my feet.

"Yeah I'm okay," I said. Then I walked away quickly. Too quickly, and too klutzy, because I ran right smack dab into a bookcase. I gasped and willed it to stay upright. When it did, I sighed in relief. At least I'm not smashed paper thin by it. I looked around and realized that the ground was scattered in books.

I nervously looked back at the girl who was trying not to laugh. Ugh, right now I hated myself. I swore softly to myself, picking up the books. The girl moved in to help. 

"I'm Lily, and you're Aiyana, right?" I looked up, fortunately holding onto the books in my hands.

"Yeah, um, you don't have to help me," I caught my pride out of the air and put it in a metal safe. Not literally, just in case you're confused. It's called a metaphor. If you don't know what it is, look it up or, even better, join an English Lit class. Yes, I've heard of them. I'm not that educationally deprived.

Lily smiled up at me. "No I'm glad to help. You probably need some friends, too." I sniffed. What was that supposed to mean. I inwardly smacked myself in the head. It means you have no friends, idiot.

After about five minutes of putting up the books in the exact same order, with the help of Lily who knew the order by heart, we finally finished. I leapt up and smoothed my shirt.

"Nice meeting you," I allow a small smile. Let's just say I take a long time to warm up to people. But Lily seems different. I like her already, even though I don't fully trust her.

"You too," She smiled at me and got up. I glanced at her. I wondered if she was another were-animal or something. Ooh how about this for a name: shape-shifter.

"So what can you turn into?" I shuffle my feet. Hopefully it's not too much of a personal question.

"A bear," She hesitantly smiled and I stared at her. A bear? A freaking bear? She looks like she's part bunny. I don't know, must be the way she talks, or maybe her smile.

"Do you need help finding your room?" She said, breaking the awkward silence. I gave her a grateful smile and nodded. She smiled and led the way. Apparently, she remembers everything. And I mean everything. The girl's got, like, a brain the size of a walrus.

We finally reached my door and I let out a sigh of relief. I turned torwards her.

"Thanks so much. I was really lost there," I said smiling. So now I completely trust her. That must be a new record for me.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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