I am trash.

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Well, hello. (Wow I can't even start a book properly.)

As you may have noticed, I'm still struggling with finding the perfect name for this so called 'book' (Hah I can't believe I'm even doing this)

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As you may have noticed, I'm still struggling with finding the perfect name for this so called 'book' (Hah I can't believe I'm even doing this)

I just feel like there isn't a perfect name for whatever this is cause I don't even know what this is. I'm literally pouring out my heart, mind and deepest secrets in this book and then I'm just like "yeah let's call it I AM TRASH...". Nuh uh. (And there came my autocorrect wanting it to be nugget instead of nuh.. just great)

But wait, that really isn't so bad.

Ehhrrmmm, either way. Welcome (again) to my tragic ass life where I have nothing to do or write about. If I'm up and moving (which is so rare nowadays) , it's only my finger clicking on the next Netflix episode. Really. I've just given up on life. Even the word itself.

If ur new, here are some interesting (or not so interesting) facts:

• I'm the laziest of the lazy. If my family EVER gets me out of the house, it's for 10 seconds only. If daylight touches my rotting skin I'LL DIE. They jut don't understand it. Go out and play they say. It will be fun they say. Hah nope.

Okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating just a tinnnnnyyyy little bit.

Or maybe a ton.

• But as you may have guessed I'm a typical teenager. Lazy, introverted... well the whole package really.


• ALSO THEM MEMES AND VINES. If u have a good one, show me anytime.

• I'm a hardcore fan. From Harry Potter to mostly any anime. Just dm me if u need a fan girl friend.

• Reading (and music) is my escape from reality. I cherish these things with my life.

• I'm from Norway. Coldddd, freeeezing Norway. Never heard of Norway? Go back to school.

 Never heard of Norway? Go back to school

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(Okay sorry I just had to.)

(Also, there is nothing wrong about Swedish people. Don't take it the wrong way. If u understand, congrats. If not, too bad.)

If u have any questions, leave a comment, message me, do whatever and I will respond. (Mostly cause I need friends— Urhm... what)

Moving on, if you have suddenly stumbled upon this book I just want to say that you have a brave soul and be cautious when exploring the rest of this book.

This whole book is trash. My life is trash.

I am trash.

So what the heck really is this book then.

Oh wait ur asking me?

Until next time.

I am truly sorry if this whole chapter is a confusing mess

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I am truly sorry if this whole chapter is a confusing mess. I already KNOW it is. Confusion is oke.

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