Half naked

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I look at Andrea and said "So, are you gonna tell me what you are doing here or..." She took a deep breath. She rubbed her neck and said "I need to talk to Grayson." I just looked at her and said "Are you saying..." She nodded with watery eyes. I went over to y/n and said "Babygirl... go get Grayson then go to my room." She nodded slowly. I said "Come, in she went to get Gray..." She came in and sat on the couch I  walked up stairs as Grayson walked pasted me before he could, I put my hand in front of him and I looked him into his eyes I noticed they were bloodshot and looked heavy. He blinked slowly. I whispered to him "Bro are you stoned?" He nodded slowly. I rolled my eyes and said "Dude whatever anyway, you need to go down there and ask to run test to if the baby is your if it is, you need to make the decision to keep it or not. But here's the thing don't you dare even think for a second that this ok, even I'm pretty sure you are the father." He rolled his eyes and said "Dude it's not mine she is a slut it could be anyone's" I grabbed his shoulders and said "you are a whole man- whore, so what? Get down there and fix it." I looked down and saw Andrea staring at something at Grayson's door. Grayson looked the same way laughing. I look at Grayson's door and saw a girl come out of his room half naked and giggling. She looked at us and said "Gray come back to bed." He held his finger up. Not gonna lie she has a nice ass body. I bit my lip and I saw a shadow go back into my room and a door slammed. Oh shit y/n Grayson looked at my smirking and then whispered "She is gonna beat your ass and hers." I look at him worried then I look back at my door that was now wide open and Y/n came out with nothing but a bra and underwear. I almost choked I yelled "HOLY SHIT" I started coughing and I looked over a Grayson he bit his lip. I smacked him up side the head. I look back at y/n who was smirking. I was walking up to her. She had one hand inside and one hand out. She swung her hand up and slapped me. I heard Grayson laugh loudly yelling "I TOLD YOU ASSCLOWN" I rolled my eyes and I looked back at y/n who was still smirking. I held my cheek as I watch y/n take her other hand from behind the door. She had a freaking belt in her hand. She walked toward the girl and slapped the belt across the face and punched her at least 3 times. I was going to pull her off but she got off herself and pointed the belt at me saying "Don't even think about touching me." I put my hands up backing away. The girl had a bloody nose and a bruised eye. Y/n got up, dust her self off and smiled walking back into my room. I ran to the girl helping her up and said "I'm so sorry for what she di-" I heard a door open I look back to see y/n she furrowed her eyebrows and pointed the belt out the door saying "Ethan, if you don't put that bitch down and get in this god damn room." I dropped her and mouthed "I'm sorry" while going in the room. My babymomma a is one crazy bitch, but you gotta love her...

I'm b-o-r-e-d, we are suppose to be going out of town today but idk if we are even going. im gonna be pissed if we don't because I have spent the whole fucking day packing. Idk what I did for the title I just put something lol.

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