Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I’m not too sure about this chapter. Let me know what you guys think and where you would like the story to go. Thanks for 20 reads!

*The next day

Cassandra’s POV

Autumn and I woke up at around 10 a.m. Unfortunately; we both had hangovers that came along with killer headaches. We rested for most of the day and watched more Sherlock. Later in the afternoon, Autumn went home. I suddenly remembered last night.

I need to call Benedict. Should I call him now? Is it too early? All of these thoughts were running through my head.  After debating this for a while, I decided to call him. I dialed in his number, and he picked up the phone and said hi in his rich baritone voice.

“Hi, Benedict. It’s me, Cassandra. I met you last night at the bar. Remember me?”

“Of course I remember you, Cassandra. I thought you were quite striking when I met you last night.”

“Well thank you, Benedict. That’s very flattering.”

The conversation continued on for at least another half an hour. Near the end of the call he asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him tonight. I said I would be happy to, and that I was looking forward to it very much. After talking for a little while longer, we got off the phone so we could get ready for the date. It was 5 in the afternoon, so I had 2 hours to get ready until the date, which was plenty of time. I started by taking a shower, making sure to shave. After getting out of the shower, I finished getting ready. I picked out a cute dress I found in my closet, and found a pair of flats. By the time I was done, it was about 6:30, so I had a little time to chill before Benedict picked me up at my apartment.

Benedict’s POV

I showed up at Cassandra’s a few minutes before 7, not wanting to be late. When I said she was striking over the phone, it was a huge understatement to what I actually thought. I thought she was unbelievably hot, and was really glad she had called me. I had been worried that she might not have called me. I continued this train of thought for a few minutes before knocking on her door. She answered a moment later. I looked at her when she opened the door, and she looked stunning, even more than last night if that was possible.

“You look stunning, Cassandra.”

“Thank you, Benedict. I don’t know what to say. You look stunning as well. ” She was blushing.

I thanked her, quite used to the compliments as a celebrity. We got going and went to one of my favorite fancy restaurants downtown. When we got there, I could tell from Cassandra’s face that she had never been to a place this fancy. Her mouth was open wide in a surprised look. I could tell she needed a moment to gather herself. After she did, we headed in.

“Reservation for Cumberbatch plus one, please”  I said to the worker near the entrance of the restaurant.

“Right away, Mr. Cumberbatch.”  The waiter led us to our table, which was near a window, as I had requested.

We looked at the menu to find something to eat, and quickly chose my usual. I could tell Cassandra was having some trouble with all of the choices.

“Having some trouble, Cassandra?”

“Yes, there are just so many choices. I’ll just get what you’re getting. It will be faster, and I’m sure it will be good.”


The date went wonderfully, and I asked her to come back to my house, which she gladly accepted, though she was a little wary at first.  We arrived at my house. After Cassandra spent some time in awe of my house, we decided to sit down on my couch and watch some tv. I preferred not to watch my own acting, because I am always finding flaws in it, even if other people think it’s great. So we decided to watch some Doctor Who. We started up Netflix, and started watching the final few episodes of the 9th doctor. At the end, The Doctor had to kiss Rose Tyler to prevent the time vortex from destroying her body. At the same time, I reached over and kissed Cassandra. She let out a moan which made me wamt to go so much further than what we were doing. Much to my pleasure, she deepened the kiss.

After the kiss, she said:

“I really like you Benedict.”

“I really like you too, Cassandra.”

We cuddled for a long time while continuing to watch Doctor Who. We watched until about midnight.

“Oh God, it’s getting late. I need to get home.” Cassandra exclaimed.

“You can stay here if you want. You can sleep in my room if you want. I can sleep in the guest room or on the couch.”

“Thanks, Benedict. I really appreciate it. But I don’t want you to have to sleep in the guest room because of me. We can both sleep in your room.”

I said ok, and was overjoyed by this, though I tried to hide it.

We went into my room, which had a very large plush king sized bed. I let Cassandra borrow an oversized shirt of mine to sleep in, and we laid down in the bed. We cuddled up to each other and fell asleep in each other’s arms. 

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