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Long ago, hybrids were the rulers of all the land. They had power, money, and the loyalty of the people. One day, The clan of the wolf/golden owl mixed hybrids wanted the world to be more equal. They wanted equality and actual freedom to be real. So they rebelled against the hybrid rulers, and they won. They ruled successfully for a couple of years, but it doesn't last for long.

A traitor among the wolf/golden mixed hybrid clan killed the ruler and ruled it with his own rules. Then all the hybrids hated started hating all of the wolf/golden owl hybrids, even though it was one person destroying everything the previous two rulers had carefully created.

As more years past, everybody was always informed of the traitorous clan of the mixed hybrid and everybody learned to hate them. They were all killed later on and was banned from being alive. Even if they were innocent. 

Meanwhile all that happened, a baby named Evan was born. He was born as a wolf/golden owl hybrid, but his mother always loved him. His father had different opinions, but he loved him anyways. As years passed by, his father was trying to kill Evan off, but his mother stopped him and they ran away from Toronto, Canada to North Carolina since there was a school for hybrids there. 

Now, Evan is happily living with his mom in his new home with new neighbors. Or is he? Is he truly happy? Or maybe he will be, but for now, we'll go on an adventure...


Well... I don't really know what to do for the prologue, so it may be edited later on, but for now, this is the best I can do. Well, See ya!

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