Chapter 26: Neighbours

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A/N Hello everybody! I can't go on YouTube right now.. It doesn't work! wahh So I won't be basing my chapters on the vlogs I'm sorry >_< And there's a picture of Lauren here.

We moved into our new house! Finally!

We were moving our boxes from the truck to inside our house.

It was so much work ;((

I wore a basic t shirt and comfortable shorts and runners. I wore a ponytail.

I was sweating so much.

I heard my dad talking with someone.

I looked in front of the truck.

Dad was talking to an older man around 40..?

He must be a our neighbor.

Then I saw a guy carrying a box from our truck.

:O Why the heck is that guy touching our stuff? He's stealing our stuff!!

I ran over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Um.. excuse me.."

He turned around.

Holy he's so good looking..

He had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. He was taller than me. Taller than James.


I snapped back to reality.

"Excuse me! That box belongs to me!!" I changed my tone.

He smirked and turned away and kept walking.

"What the heck! That box is mine!!!!" I followed him.

He walked in my house and out the box down.

I scratched my head.

"Wait what.."

"You thought I would steal your box?"

"Well..." I muttered.

He smirked again.

He walked out the door.

"Why is he helping us move boxes?" I muttered to myself.

I followed him.

He walked to the neighbour.

"Jewel! These are your neighbors!" Dad pointed to them.

The neighbour grinned.

I smiled politely back.

"I'm Paul and this is my son, Xander."

"Hi." Xander said with a straight face.

It looked silly I wanted to laugh but I bit my lip from laughing.

"He's gonna be helping you move your boxes." Paul said.

Xander smirked at me.

I glared at him when Dad and Paul weren't looking.


All the boxes were moved in the house and some were unpacked.

My room was a dark blue.

It was really dark so there wasn't any light shining in when I opened the curtains.

My view was Lauren's house. There was also a window facing me.

I know that's its Lauren's room. There's a cute white teddy bear sitting on the window.

I brought the stool next to the window to wait for Lauren to open her curtains. I don't have her number.

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