1 ~ Admin Form (OPEN)

35 4 0

Unfortunately, I can not run this award alone, so I decided I would get admins!

4 admins, to be exact.

No, not judges, there's a difference, I mean admins.

Admins have way more responsibility then judges.

If you want to be an admin, there is a few things you're going to need to know.

1- Don't even TRY messing things up (ex. you delete chapters, curse at people, bully, give false information.) In different words, troll, because I will have information of all the admins, and if all evidence leads to you, I will be forced to kick you out/expose you. (I have my ways)

2- You will have enough responsibility as I do! You will have to write down the contestants, get judges, calculate the judgements and all that.

3- Whenever you answer someone, you will have to add your own signature at the end. That way, they'll know who you're talking to. (Ex. "You're now a judge, congratulations! -💋." See the '-💋'? That's the signature


Admin 1: (empty)

Admin 2: (empty)

Admin 3: (empty)

Admin 4: (empty)

The form:


Any experience?:

How often are you online?:

Why do you want to be an admin?:

Do you swear that you will not mess things up?:

If I need more admins, I will add more spaces, of course, but for now, I think this is enough.

- The Ineffable Awards 💋

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