Stafford laughed then, although Yughi could not imagine that he had said anything funny.

"Know him?" Stafford barked. "Yes, I know him, the men in this camp all know William de Wendenal. He's the very reason we're all sitting here."

"He is?" Yughi asked. "How so?"

"Because the dog in human form who goes by the name William de Wendenal goes by another name as well," Stafford explained. "We know him better as the Sheriff of Nottingham, and we have, to a man vowed to stand against him, and against Prince John and their evil plan to usurp the one true King Richard while he is away on his crusade."

"If the Templars have brought to him their relic," Yughi said. "And if it can do what the legends say, then it is vital that we get to it first."

"Why?" Stafford asked. "What dark magic do the Templars wish to weave that could snatch England from its true king's grasp?"

"The relic is a scarab, an ancient jewelled artefact from the Nile Delta," Yughi explained. "It is known as Ra's Will. It is said that the possessor of the relic will possess the knowledge and power to turn the tide of any war, no matter how small his army, no matter how outmatched they appear to be. The stories say that Ra's Will is how Cleopatra made the Romans bow their knee."

"Impressive yarn," Stafford said, his tone was not urgent. "I doubt it is more than that. When I was in the Holy Land I sat at table with Templars. They're arrogant, and in their arrogance they are gullible.

"Any tuppeny conjurer can tell them a saucy tale and they'll believe that the Ark of the Covenant is a cheap wooden casket embossed with that all-holy motif: the hindquarters of an ass."

"Al Mualim does not believe Ra's Will to be a deception," Yughi said. "This is all I know."

"Where are you from, brother," Stafford asked. He pulled a pipe from his own cloak, put it between his lips and retrieved a tinder-box after it.

"I was born in Byzantium," Yughi replied. "Why?"

"So you're not a native of the Holy Land," Stafford said. "I think that's a measure of how seriously Al Mualim is taking this business."

"My father was Wallachian," Yughi said. "When you see me in the light then you will note that I could pass for one of your countrymen. Al Mualim considered that an advantage in this mission."

"Whatever you choose to believe," Stafford shrugged. "After all, nothing is true, so all faith is folly in its own way."

Yughi wanted to protest that this was not what the words meant, but he bit his tongue. He suspected that Stafford tried to bait people as a matter of course. Yughi should not allow himself to be diverted into some philosophical discussion when there were more pressing matters to be addressed.

"All I know is that my mission is to prevent the scarab falling into Templar hands," Yughi said. "Surely we are united in our cause, even if we disagree as to the strategy."

"Aye, and while you're tracking down your mystical trinkets," Stafford said. "We could do with a hand training some of our new recruits. I can only do so much."

"I would be happy to lend my assistance," Yughi agreed.

"Right you are then, let's get out there so the others can get used to your face then," Stafford said. "Robin should return soon, you'll want to meet him."

"Who is this man?" Yughi asked as they stood. "Is he your master?"

"We are assassins and we are outlaws," Stafford said. "What man can be our master?"

Assassin's Creed: Outlaw - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now