Dmitri Exalt

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Name: Dmitri

Gender: Male

Age: Over 200 years.

Species: Vampire.

||Abilities: Can summon skeletons. Has an excellent sense of smell and great eyesight but his sense of taste is weak. He also can read minds but he doesn't like too, he feels rude when he does.||

Gender: Male

Hair: Off-white

Eyes: Grey with gold and green flecks. A deep velvet red when he's angry.

Height: 5'11"

S/O: "Now I don't exactly believe that's your business, now is it~?" He sighed lightly as he elegantly brushed his hair from his eyes, "But if you must know, I'm bisexual~ I've been here far to long to stick to one thing."

Appearance: He's a very slim and perfectly shaped man. He has wispy wavy hair that's an off-white, but not exactly grey nor dirty looking in the slightest. He has grey eyes with gold and green flecks in them framed by long and perfect black eyelashes. He dresses in formal clothes for the most part and likes to keep his royal look. He's extremely elegant in everything that he wears and his style is considered very outdated but he likes to keep his British culture alive.

Personality: He is a very intelligent man that's very wise and he's cordial for the most part. He comes off as extremely creepy though because of how odd he acts and his appearance. He's from a noble family that was high in the British hierarchy and therefore he has a ton of money, he's a millionaire and he acts like one with his refined and polished ways. He's never rude to anyone because he's much to polite by nature. Though, he is a very cold man and he doesn't let anyone in, he's been hurt a lot so now he doesn't trust anyone. He's actually insanely sadistic and loves to dominate and instill fear on his submissive. Also, because of how strong he is, all of his human partners that he ever had were repeatedly reported to have broken bones because he was too rough.

Lover: He smirked widely and darkly and said as he lightly rested his cheek against his palm, "As of now, I am single~ But, I hope to get a lover soon and preferably not a human one, the humans all break so easy~" He chuckled to himself as he crossed his legs smoothly.

Relations: Lucas is his brother,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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