Chapter 2

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♡Betty POV♡

A little after I woke up my mother said to get a picture out of the box that has our pictures. She was wanting the picture of me and Polly, for who knows what. I spent for what felt like hours looking for it. The picture was at the very bottom of the box, in a plastic baggy. I looked through all the pictures of the bag, there were pictures of me and Kevin, polly, and Archie. But what caught my eye, was a picture of a black haired kid with a beanie, that looked way too familiar.
No, not possible. I would've remembered. I decided to take it downstairs along with the Polaroid of me and Polly.
"Here mom." I said handing it to her.
"Thank you honey." She said.
"Wait, who is this." I said while handing her the Polaroid of the black haired, beanie wearing boy.
"You don't remember? That's Jughead, you and Archie were his best friends." She responded.
I ran up stairs and called jughead on the telephone.
"Hey, this is jughead, right?" I said.
"One and only, Juliet."
"Mind meeting me at Pop's later on?"
"Sure, no problem."

Around seven o'clock, I got ready and went to pop's. I waited there for about thirty minutes. I know, long time. I've been stood up. I said to myself.
"Think again..." a familiar voice said.
"Thank god Jug! I thought you wouldn't have came."
"Never, I'd always come for you." He said as I blushed.
"I have something for you to look at." I said as I gave him the Polaroid of him, Archie, and I. "Is this you?"
"Yeah, we were all best friends." Jughead said, a bit disappointed. "You don't remember?"
"I guess not." I said. "No wonder you knew my name."
A little after talking about the friendship. The bell rang. Here comes Archibald.
Jughead turned around just as Archie caught his eye.
"Wow Betty, still hanging out with this Southside scum?"
"He isn't a scum, asshole."
I heard Jughead chuckle.
"I think you are the scum, Archie." Jughead said.
Archie came rushing towards Jughead, about to throw a punch at him. But Jughead caught his fist, pulled Archie closer, and punched him.
I gasped seeing Archie on the floor of the diner.
"I thought you loved me Betty?" Archie said as he was covering his black eye.
"I never loved you. I may have had a crush on you. But I never loved you!" I told him.
"Lets go Betty." Jughead said holding my hand.

We walked out the door.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"My trailer, if that's okay?" Jughead said.
"Ok, sure."
We walked together to Jugheads trailer, still hand in hand.
"Here we are." Jug said.
His trailer was on the south side of Riverdale.
"Wow, its actually not as bad as I thought."
We sat on his couch, complete silence, besides the crickets chirping outside.
Ugh! I want to kiss him so bad! I thought to myself.

☆Jugheads POV☆

I already wanted to kiss her so bad, even though we kinda just met a few days ago. Beside the days we were all best friends.
You can't kiss her! If you do, you might fall in love with her, then the serpents will think your soft!
But I'm already in love with her.
Without being able to control myself, I lent over and kissed her.
I could tell she was a bit surprised, but after a moment, she kissed back.
Her hands went under my shirt, as mine touched her waist.
I kissed her neck, reaching her sweet spot. She moaned.
I made sure we didn't go any further than that.

♡Bettys POV♡

I woke up in Jughead Jones bed. Did that really happen? I looked over to the other side if the bed, no Jughead. I pulled on one of his 'S' t-shirts, then walked over to his living room.
"Morning Juliet, looking good in that shirt." He said.
"Jug? What are we? Like in our relationship?" I asked hoping he'd say something like boyfriend and girlfriend. Or a couple.
He started to say something, until someone knocked on the door.
A lady that looked to be about in her fortys, and a younger girl looking about ten.
"Mom?" Jughead said. "Jellybean?!"
This was jugs mother and sister, I remember him saying they left for Toledo while he was very young.
"Who must you be young lady?" Jugs mother had said.
"I'm Betty, Jugheads frien-" I was about to say friend until Jughead cut me off.
"Girlfriend, Betty is my girlfriend." He saw as he looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back.
"Well nice to meet you Betty, I'm Gladys, and this is Jellybean." Gladys said.

A/N: I might not post very much, my sisters birthday is coming up so we're going to Branson Missouri!
Word count: 819

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