The Begining Of My New Life

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Mona Lisa's pov

Today was the day that my parents, were going to send me to work as an maid/apprentice for a man called Leonardo Da Vinci. Who as far as I understand is an artist, inventor, engineer and a- well he is a lot of things.

My Dad doesn't believe that you can make enough money being artist, but they like that his very smart and also they think he is wise. My parents really need money too keep our house and I will do anything to help, I would hate to see them on the street, as I am passing to get groceries for my master.

My older brother is already working and moved out. Now living with his wife and two kids. Since I am the oldest out of the 11 siblings left, I have to go to work. I would have taken the chance to go to boarding with my sister but I wanted to stay and help out of home.

I was told to go a pack anything I need in my brown burlap sac about one hour ago. Instead of packing I was staring up through the rooftop window. I love sleeping in the attic, I get the most room, and beautiful views from my rooftop windows. The most important thing, I have to pack is my sketch book and oil paints set. I have always wanted to be an artist but my father would rather me be a maid or stay at home mom. I want a job that lets you explore the world, play with the colours of the universe and most importantly I being artistic and creating things. Like the quote on my sketchbook said "The world is canvas, my dreams are my paints and I am the brush." For me it represents all the qualities a artist needs in life his or her life.

"Mona Lisa, are you done yet Miss Di Vinci is going to pick you up please hurry." My Mom yelled. I could hear her heals clicking in the hallway as she walked away, probably returning to trying to feed my baby brother.

"Yes, Ma'm" I yelled back even though I know full well that she couldn't and wouldn't bother to be able to hear me.

My dad usually has a strict no yelling in the house rule, but he isn't hear so my mom has been breaking it today. My cat started gently meowing to get my attention, even he was telling me to pack, sadly he can't come with me. My parents love him so much, well my mom does. He tends to be so sweet to me and my parents, but tends to be a bit mean to the other kids because they like pull his tail a little bit.

I could hear the rain outside my rooftop window start to come lightly but I could hear it getting stronger. I quickly turned out my candle eager to see the rain coming down. My room now consumed by darkness led me to see the rain better. Looking down I continued to slowly food me clothes, my cat's black coat shining in the light giving off a blue sheen from him. He is such a graceful cat.

I started walking down the wooden steps, blowing the cobwebs off the stair railing as I passed them. That last stair creaked alerting everyone that I was in the main hallway.

"Mona?" My mother called. Coming out into the hallway just as her foot skimmed the floor there was a strong knock on the door.

My mother quickened her pace and opened the door. It revealed a very strong looking, middle-aged woman a bit older 56 I would say.

"Mona Lisa go and say goodbye to your siblings, the cat too." My mother exclaimed waving her hand in my direction.

I said goodbye to my sibling and then went up to my room I had last seen the cat, I caught sight of something squirming in the bathroom, going closer I realized the cat was in the sink. Uhh I love cats but sometimes they can be stupid or really funny. I stroked him on the head, where he likes it and whispered 'I will be back soon my love, don't let dad kick you out or the other kids pull your tail' it sounded like I was say farewell to my boyfriend, but I had remind my self that it is just a cat.

As I walked back downstairs I started to feel very sad that I would becoming back that often, I am going to really miss my mom and my dad, siblings, the cat. I was walked to the door when I notice the cat slinking down the stairs probably going to his food and trying not to run into any kids. My mom gave me a hug and said goodbye

"Bye mother, plz don't let the kids terrorize the cat, or let dad through kick him out." I said giving my mother a kiss on the cheek. As I started walking to the person's wagon, I looked back at my house, my forever home.

Authors Note:

Hey guys thanks so much for reading this, I love have recently loved stories like this. Plz comment and vote on what you think about this. I love you guys so much bye :)

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