Chapter 6 - Part Two

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Authors note: I hope you like the second part to Chapter 6, I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I know it was rather long. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Comments are appreciated as I love feedback.

After 6 hours of partying, River and Amy finally arrived back at the Pond residence, and they were both very drunk.

"I can't find my keys," Amy giggled as she sat on the pavement rummaging through her small bag, taking every single thing out.

River knocked loudly on the blue front door, "Hello," she shouted in a high pitched, posh voice, "We cannot get in," she added before giggling along with Amy.

After what felt like an hour to Amy and River, but in reality was about 5 minutes, a grumpy Rory opened the door as he rubbed his eyes.

"I thought you had your keys Amy," Rory mumbled as he let the two drunken women into the quiet house.

"I did," Amy slurred slightly.

"But she lost them," River said, somewhat joyfully.

There were heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and in the direction of the living room where Amy and River were giggling like teenage schoolgirls, and Rory was genuinely confused to what they found funny.

 "River," the Doctor asked as he walked into the living room.

River smiled, "There's my sexy Time Lord," she said seductively.

"River, are you drunk?" the Doctor asked.

"I'm going to make coffee," Rory said quickly as he walked towards the kitchen, "I think we are going to need it."

"I'm going to get more alcohol, we're going to par-tay," Amy said as she trailed after her sober husband.

"Come here sweetie," River said as she patted the space next to her.

"Did you have a good time tonight?" the Doctor asked as he sat down next to River.

River put her hands on the Doctors chest, feeling his to steady heartbeats. "There was one thing missing," she smiled.

"I'm guessing that would be..." the Doctor began.

River put a single finger on the Doctors lips, "Shh sweetie. Now what was I saying?"

"There was something missing from tonight," the Doctor mumbled from behind Rivers finger.

River smiled again, and pushed the Doctor back onto the sofa and straddled him.

"You my love. You're the one thing missing from tonight. My handsome, sexy..." she started whispering in his ear.

"Par-tay," Amy said as she rushed back into the living room holding various bottles of alcohol, mainly red wine.

River turned to see Amy, only to fall backwards off the Doctors lap onto the floor.

Amy stood laughing at River, whilst the Doctor rushed to her aid, only to find a drunken River in a fit of yet more giggles, kicking her legs like a 3 year old.

"Come on you," Amy said as she held her hand out for River, "Time to start drinking."

"Actually," Rory said as he walked back into the living room with a single up of coffee, "I think it is time to stop drinking."

River pulled herself up with the help of Amy and the Doctor, "But Dad," she said, dragging on the word 'Dad'. "Plus, drinking rules," she added as she went to high five Amy, but they completely missed each others hands.

"One more then," the Doctor instructed as he lent against the wall folding his arms.

A smile crept across River and Amy's face as Amy poured wine into the biggest wine glasses she could find, full to the top.

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