
18 0 0

A wooden table, 

an abandoned field,

a cross-stitch of poppies,

naked trees sway in a whisper of a brezze,

 A crumbled house lays bare in the field, dried peas lay scattered, 

The wooden table inflamed in flames,
 the cross-stitch thred hangs from an open wound,

 but when I wake its just a dream, 

But was it really? 

The table charred,

 the poppies dried,

the trees don't sway they are died,

the brezze is cold and full of whispers,

and a wound lays there with thred,

the cross-stitch has unraveled,

 and the house is still crumbled,

but the field doesn't lay abandoned,

The wooden charred table stands tall in the field ready for a final round.

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