Rise of the wolf

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Hey guys i know its not very descriptive but that's because its someone telling a story at the minute, trust me it will get more descriptive. just to let you know Mutanda is a dull black colour, Renzo is dark red, Zanzibar is a creamy yellow colour, Zestra is a light grey colour and Sterling is a Dark grey colour these are the main werewolves

Enjoy and please comment and vote :D



The Great War

"Please dad, tell us the story" whined a voice

"Yeah go on dad" added another

"Tell us the story and nobody gets hurt"piped up another.

"Clear your plates boys and come join me around the camp fire" dad sat down on his camping chair and made himself comfortable. "So you want to know about the great war do you? well i'll tell you the tale, but i'm warning you don't complain if you get nightmares, you wanted to hear it. Right how did it go, oh yes. It all started ten years ago when the werewolves lived in perfect harmony with us, well most of them did until Damen, the devil-man got hold of one. Just our luck that it was Maliex the father of Mutanda a permanent werewolf. Obviously Maliex's torture resulting in his death didn't go down well with Mutanda outraged Mutanda planned his revenge but Mutanda isn't stupid, he realised he needed followers for him to be less vulnerable to capture so he infected as many talented, strong humans with lycanthropy as he could and boy did he have an army there was over 80,000 werewolves in his army and he had specially chosen the strongest and strongest willed people for his army to destroy the world as we know it. But nobody could have even dreamed a nightmare of what his plans were. He was to make us suffer by spreading the disease that is lycanthropy and destroying all who stand in his way." The tale was interrupted by Felix david's youngest son "Ooh This is the best part!" "as i was saying. One stormy night with the moon barely visible through the darkened clouds Mutanda set out to put his plan into action. Over the other side of town the werewolf warriors had heard word of Mutanda's appearance with his army downtown spreading lycanthropy. War was upon them. They couldn't let the people go through the pain of becoming a werewolf, they had to protect us. The Werewolf Warriors set out for Mutanda and his army. Mutanda was finally confronted by the Werewolf Warriors led by the magnificent Sterling with his sidekick Zanzibar who was still hungry for revenge after Mutanda changing him. Mutanda expected this turnout so he brought along a little gift for Zanzibar. Renzo (Mutanda's sidekick) brought out the limp body of a werewolf and threw it on the floor in front of Zanzibar, who immediately recognised the broken body as Zestra. His beloved girlfriend. Nobody really knows who died in the battle but the outcome was inevitable. Zanzibar managed to wipe out the werewolves guarding. Mutanda and Ripped half of Mutanda's face off. Mutanda half-blind and screeching in pain swiped his claws around desperately attempting to wound or even better, kill Zanzibar. Mutanda managed a hit scraping his claws across the face of Zanzibar ripping the flesh off of his face, fortunately the wounds on Zanzibar were light only scratching inches below the surface of his face. out of the corner of his eye Renzo noticed his master slicing the air with one hand and raced over to protect his master. too soon the other followers noticed their master apparently dying, too soon Mutanda lost their loyalty and too soon they ran away, retreating to safety. Too soon the war was finished. The Nobody discovered why but the Werewolf warriors decided not to kill Mutanda. Only to banish him forever so that these events would never reoccur. And Mutanda was never seen again but was thought to be planning his revenge for when he returned. The end, right story time over kids it's way past your bedtime."

"Come on dad i'm seventeen it's in my nature to have no bedtime." Dakita the eldest son said

"Well if he gets to stay up so do we, right Felix?" said Anthony

"Right you are Anthony!" Replied Felix.

"Right if you don't get to bed this instant i might just have to phone up Mutanda to sort you out." David threatened

"Oh yeah? well you already said he isn't real!" replied Anthony in a proud tone of voice. David began to get out his phone and go into contacts

"So because he isn't real i can't possibly have his number here can i?" David put the phone to his ear slowly.

"Quick get to bed now everyone!" screamed Felix. As Anthony started walking towards his tent he turned an asked

"I know you don't have his phone number, But Mutanda isn't real, is he?"

"No" David hesitated "No he's not."

Rise of the wolfWhere stories live. Discover now