The Tests

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We arrived at the hospital after 5 minutes in the helicopter. They rushed me straight away into the MRI machine as they thought I had brain damage which I will say now, I didn't luckily. Roomie was waiting for me outside the MRI room. It was just me and him in the A+E department waiting for my results from other tests they did such as x-rays and the normal flashlight in the eyes and to follow the doctors finger. It turns out I had fractured my neck which is a serious injury, they kept my neck in the neck brace. Everything else was fine. My dad was still in hospital for several days after I was released so he couldn't care for me. My mum was on a business trip so she wasn't able to look after me. But then the best thing ever happened to me! My dad gave Roomie permission to look after me whilst my parents were away.

Me and Roomie had so much fun! We ate tacos and Oreos all day long. We also sang duets which was amazing fun! I'm so glad he was there. Roomie was my hero, he helped save my life. I will be forever grateful! I do not know how I can ever repay him! All I can do is support him in his musical career and love him!

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