Trip to grandparents

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(A/N - sorry this is a crap story)

*Winters point of view*

"Wake up Winter, time to get up," mother said shaking me, but when I didn't even make a attempt to move, I was suddenly woken up by the cold. "Get up. Breakfast is on the table" she said giving me the, 'Dont you dare go back to sleep if you know what's good for you ' look. After seeing that look I sprung out of bed and ran to the table. There wasn't any cooked breakfast it was just a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. As I was eating mum walked towards me and told me, "you're going to stay at your grandparents house for the holidays". When I finished eating I quickly rushed to my room and did my morning routine , quickly packed my clothes, headphones, phone, ipad, computer, computer ipad and phone charger. Walking towards the back of the car I put my suitcase in the boot of the car then sat in the car watching anime . an hour has gone by and I see my parents walking towards the car, sitting in the driver's seat was mum and next to her was dad. After and hour and a half dad suddenly asks me "how have you been at school? Did you make any friends?" I replies with "school I hell and I don't have any friends because no one likes anime and say its for kids. Like look at naruto the anime has blood. Then look at death note there's like people dieing left, right and center. Heyyy and that's not even half of it, if you want I can keep going?"
"No, no it's fine you dont need to" mum says quickly so I won't go into the subject more than I already have. An hour and a half latwe arrive at my grandparents place, knocking on the door. When they came to open the door they give me a bone crushing hug and pinch my cheeks, after awhile of catching up we decided to have a family lunch together. After many laughs and bad jokes I went to have a afternoon nap.

*Grandparents point of view*

"Hehehehe, let's draw on her face and set up a prank. Hehehe" grandma sajestedto grandpa "yeah, let's do it. Prank wars!?!" grandpa said then when up to the sleeping girl took out a permanent marker, about one inch away from her face her eyes snapped open scaring each other half to death. "What are you doing???"Winter said
"Oh well we were going to do prank war. Ya no Grandparents against Grandchild haha" we both said nervously " realllllly then let the war begin" she said evilly.

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