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"Alright. A sandwich and fruit snacks for you." I handed Rose her lunch box.

"Thank you, mom." Rose put her lunch box into her bag.

There was a knock on the front door.

"Paige you better be up and ready to go!" I yelled before opening the door.

There were 3 boys at the door. One with chin length hair, one with spiked hair, and the tallest one had a curl of hair on his forehead. 2 of them were in leather jackets, Serpent jackets.

"Hey, you're Samantha, right? I'm Joaquin, this is Fogarty, and the giant here is Sweet Pea. FP sent us to make sure Paige gets to school alright."

Paige walked out of her room in ripped jeans and a flannel with Timberlands. "You must be Joaquin." She smiled and picked up her bag.

"What? How do know him?" I asked.

"FP stopped by last night with Jughead while you were in the shower. FP was drunk but he told me everything, mom. He told me that he's my dad and that you told him to stay away from me." Paige went out the front door and joined the boys.

"Don't worry, she'll be safe." Fogarty smiled at me as he handed Paige a helmet. "You'll ride with Sweet Pea."

"Paige Alexia Hall, if you get on that bike!" I yelled.

"It's Paige Jones and I'm going to be late for school." She put the helmet on and got on behind Sweet Pea.

I scoffed and turned around. I heard the motorcycles fire up and then leave.

"Mom, is Paige in trouble?" Rose asked.

"No, I'm just dumb." I sighed. "Let's get you to school."


I finished putting together Rose's bedframe. "Fuck this." I got up and walked into the kitchen. I got a glass of water and went to go back to work before something outside caught my eye. FP was standing outside my front door. I marched over and threw the screen door open, almost hitting him.

"Sam." FP talked like he was drunk.

"What?! You turned my daughter against me, wasn't that enough?!" I shoved him a bit.

"You sound just like your sister." He leaned in the door and fell into my arms. "Sam. I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes and pulled him inside. I sat him down on the couch. "Sorry for what? For turning my daughter against me? For coming here? Or for cheating on me in the first place?"

"For all of it. I fucked up Sammy, I just hated him so much and..."

I cut him off and handed him my glass of water. "I've heard all this before. What did you think this would change?"

"Sam, my boy hates me. He's been couch hopping and before that, he slept at the drive-in. He Hates Me Sam and now that he knows that I stepped out on his mom, I don't think he'll ever forgive me." He put his head in his hands. "I fucked up and I don't know how to fix it."

I looked around and saw FP's phone lying on the ground. I walked over and picked it up. He had multiple missed calls from Fred and a few messages.

The police took Jughead down to the station

I'm headed to the station with my boy and Jug's girlfriend.

Get here he needs you FP.

"You can start by going and getting your son, he's down at the station. He got arrested." I threw his phone to him.

"Shit." FP got up and kissed my cheek. "Thanks, Sam." He went out the door.

My Boy {FP Jones}Where stories live. Discover now