"That Man is Dead"

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"Well that where ya are, dear," the corpse replied as flipped another page in the file. "At least a version of it We think. Name? You're holding up the line."

The baker took a step back in shock. A version of hell? She immediately took a step forward and eyed the corpse. Dark bloodshot eyes.

"Ma'am, your name?" The corpse asked in a demanding voice.

"Eleanor Lovett, what's it to you?" Lovett answered as she tried to peek over the file. She could see her name being engraved into the paper without the corpse even lifting her pen. The words just wrote itself. A black and white photo of herself printed itself on the paper. She was just amazed at the sight. Then a whole bunch of information began scribbling across the paper. The corpse began to glance over the information as it wrote itself with no assistance from a pen.

"So you're that lady," she smirked in a whisper.

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Lovett scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Well the records here just tell us a little 'bout yourself. Looks like your time came just a few moments before a man named Benjamin," the corpse smirked again and closed the file and tossed it to a pile of other files.

Lovett grew pale at the name Benjamin. He was here? In this very room? The man that ended her life in the same room?! She quickly turned around herself and watched the line. And there, only a few people away stood the demon barber. He was looking around the room until his eyes finally locked on hers. Time then froze. Murderer and Victim. The barber glared at her with his dark, somber eyes. She quickly turned back around only to find the corpse's hand up in her face. Her boney fingers held a pair of keys. Two small black keys.

"What are these?" Lovett asked as she examined them.

"Keys to your room, now run along, you're holding up the line," the corpse ordered and shook the keys around until the baker took them.

Lovett ended up snatching the keys, but she didn't leave. "Where am I suppose ta go?"

"To your room, now move!" The corpse then removed her thick glasses and stared at the baker. Lovett immediately received the message and stepped out of the line. Where was her room? She looked around the small, cement room and realized there was corridor to the left of the booth, and another one to the right. Left or right? Lovett looked down both corridors. One was long and endless, and the other was short and looked confidential. Best to go down the endless one so she wouldn't find herself in trouble of sorts.

The baker then scurried down to the left corridor. The barber watched her leave and couldn't believe the witch was here! He remembered being in that cold cellar and watching her body burn to ashes. He remembered her admitting she lied only so she could him to herself. In Todd's mind she was the reason Lucy's sweet life was drained from her veins.

The line moved up a step and the man behind Todd shoved him again. The barber turned quick on his heel as he hand snatched to his side where his holster lied. Only one problem, the holster wasn't there. If the holster wasn't there, the razor wasn't either! Todd's eyes widened and he felt weak knowing his straight razor wasn't by his side. He slowly turned around with a frown. As he did so, he realized it was him who was standing before the booth. He furrowed his brow and examined the sight. Papers and files almost everywhere. A rotting corpse sitting in a chair like any other person; flipping through the pages of a new file.

"Name?" The corpse asked with her eyes locked on the paperwork.

Todd didn't hear her question and continued looking around; trying to figure out where he was and why nothing was familiar. Or most importantly, why was Mrs. Lovett here?

Dead Shattered Hearts {Sweeney Todd Fanfiction}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat