'In march you'll be 18 then you can come back' - Brock

'Your old man can't stop you youll be an adult' - Brock

'Pierce already said he will give you the job since he already let you in the gang' - Brock

'I already told you I'm not dropping out of school to sell drugs for Pierce' - James

'Come on I thought you loved me' - Brock

'I do love you' - James

'If you really loved me you would come back to work with me' - Brock

'No I really do love you! I just don't want to drop out of school, I'll come work with you after I graduate.' - James

'You still caught up on that whole graduating for your mom thing?' - Brock

'Seriously James maybe she didn't finish high school and wanted you to but she's dead it's not like she can care' - Brock

'Brock, please don't say that' - James

James did his best to keep a straight face. He couldn't handle that comment. He missed his mom more than anything.

'She's gone she can't know if you finished or not' - Brock

'What is that not why you want to leave' - Brock

'You seeing someone else' - Brock

'No Brock I'm not! I love you, I only love you!' - James

'It doesn't seem like it!' - Brock

'I'm always there for you' - Brock

'you were nothing before I came around and now you don't even care about me' - Brock

'No Brock I do love you! I swear I'm not with anyone else! Please believe me!' - James

'I will believe you when you can prove it' - Brock

James needed to cry more now. He wasn't going to, not here, not with all of these people around. One weak action and that's the end of it.

He slowly made his way to the next class. The only open seat was at the front of the class. The teacher called his name for attendance, James simply raised his hand slightly keeping his normal annoyed face, despite how awful he felt at that moment. He zoned out through the rest of the attendance until a name caught his attention.

"Steve Rogers." The teacher called out.

"Present." A tall, blonde sitting a desk away from Winter replied.

James glanced over at the teen, 'So I guess it was Steve...' He thought to himself, remembering the familiar blonde from earlier.

Steve looked over at his old friend, he was so close to him. If only they weren't in class, he could start a conversation. He wanted to know everything. Bucky had changed so much, of course Steve had too. But he wanted to know about the new look, his life in California, everything.

Luckily for Steve it the class was over soon enough. James left the class as soon as the bell rang and Steve followed close behind.

"Bucky." Steve called out, following the brunet.

James ignored him. He didn't want deal with anything else today. He didn't really think that he could deal with anything else.

"Bucky. Buck. James." Steve called, "Barnes!"

"What do you want!" James yelled.

"Sorry for being so annoying." Steve smiled nervously, "You remember me? It's Steve."

James sighed "I know who you are."

"So you're back." Steve replied, "How have you been?"

"That's none of your business." James snapped.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Buck." Steve rubbed his arm nervously, he couldn't figure out what he was doing wrong, but he must have said something wrong.

"Don't call me that." James mumbled.

Steve nodded understandingly, he was older now he might not be fond of nicknames, "Sorry James."

James opened his locker and the door almost slammed into Steve's nose, "Leave me alone."

"Okay." Steve frowned walking off to his next class, he just wanted to know what he did wrong, did Bucky hate him?

"What does that stupid symbol on the back of your jacket mean?" Some kid laughed

James turned to look at the slightly taller red headed boy pointing at the HYDRA patch on his jacket. He did not more then give him a death glare before continuing to get his things. He was already pissed off enough.

"Seriously, it looks like the logo for some crappy aquarium." the guy chuckled.

James slammed his locker and grabbed the guys collar, shoving him against the lockers. The bell rang and the remaining students ran off to class, except the two of them. James continued glaring at the red head.

"You really think I'm gonna be intimidated by some fag in makeup?" He laughed noticing James' dark eyeliner, "I'm not afraid of some little gay boy."

"You better shut your fucking mouth before I break your fucking jaw!" James snarled.

The boy laughed again and James drove his fist into his face. The boy rubbed his jaw. He glared at the James before punching him in the eye. After the punch it didn't take long for him to get the boy on the ground and stomped on his stomach. 

"Watch the shit you say around me." James threatened the boy stepping towards him again, "And for your information I'm pansexual."

Just as James was walking away he felt a hand on his should. He turned around ready to punch that idiot and he saw principal Fury.

"Both of you come to my office now." Mr. Fury snapped.

Stucky High School AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ