A New Kind of Feeling

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I hope this keeps everyone sane until season 3 (


Anne's POV

"Remains to be seen." As Anne said that, she felt an odd fluttery feeling in her stomach. Where did that come from? She thought to herself, as Gilbert formed a sly smirk on his face.


Gilbert's POV 

Well, maybe I have a chance. But was that what she meant? Was she developing feelings for him that he already had for her? All of this was so confusing. Since Gilbert Game back, she hadn't been mad at him, except for the time they argued about their vocations and needing Miss Stacy's help. Anne didn't even seem excited when I came home, Gilbert thought to himself as he stood there with the fiery-headed girl. Or as he had said before, carrot headed.

That night, Gilbert couldn't seem to sleep because of what Anne said. He kept thinking about her and where their relationship was going. I should just tell her how I feel. As Sebastian said, "Be a man."

Gilbert kept staring at the ceiling and finally fell asleep.


Anne's POV  

Anne couldn't fall asleep. She kept thinking about her real feeling for Gilbert. Cole had said that Gilbert has a crush on her, but was that true? Did he really? Every time she thought of him, she felt a flutter in her stomach. 

"Stop it!" She whisper-shouted to herself, trying not to wake Matthew and Marilla. 

She would need to talk to someone about this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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