Chapter eleven

Beginne am Anfang

I figured taking Harry to Norma’s would be easiest since it was so close to my flat, that way we wouldn’t have a long way back to get Gizmo after we’d eaten. I was silently praying that Norma would be more subtle than Sylvia in her surprise of me bringing a boy around. I had never brought a boy, other than family, to Norma’s with me. It was sort of a safe haven for me, but of course Harry seemed to be an exception. 

The second I was through the door I heard my name being called. I turned to the counter and saw Norma standing behind it and Harry sat on one of the stools, looking cheerful as ever. I made my way to them. 

“Morning,” I grumbled, still not thrilled with being up and out so early. 

“Oh now, don’t be a grump, dear.” Norma tsk-ed at me. 

“‘S early,” I whined. 

Harry leaned forward and placed a kiss to my cheek. “Sorry,” he offered, not looking very sorry at all. “So, apparently you’re quite the regular here.” He said just as Norma placed my usual order down in front of me.

“I suppose you could say that.” I giggled softly and thanked Norma, which she responded to with a wink. 

“Alright, the plan for today is once we’re done eating here, we swing back to yours and get Giz then head to the studio and hang with Nick for a bit. He lives close by so once we finish there we’ll swing by HIS and get Puppy and Ringo and then go to the park.” 

“Very impressive planning skills, Styles.” 

“Why thank you, Pond.” He nodded and tipped his hat causing me to laugh loudly. 

We laughed and joked all through breakfast. The place wasn’t very busy today and Norma sat with us for a bit, telling the story of when she first started to remember me as a regular. Harry was adorable to watch when people told stories. He sat so attentively and looked at them as if they were telling him the meaning of life, it was sweet and I realized I had been watching him for a good portion of the story. 

Norma was bringing the bill around, but as we waited Harry cleared his throat and said my name. 

“Yeah?” I questioned. 

“Could I, um, ask you something? About your...anxiety?” He looked positively frightened to ask me this. He kept flashing his eyes between me and the table, one hand was tapping on his leg while the other was pulling at his lip. 

“ about once we’re in the car? On the way to Nick?” I didn’t mind talking to him, surprisingly. I would have thought that that question would have sparked something inside of me, but I felt okay. Ready to talk to him, really. 

He nodded frantically, looking relieved, but also still worried. 

“It’s okay, Harry.” I reassured him. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows. “I don’t mind.” He visibly relaxed more now, nodding to himself this time. 

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