Chapter 57

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Harry's POV

I grab Jen around the waist and pull her closer to me, holding her tight.

"So what else have you got planned today, since you seem to be the one in charge." She giggles and I stroke my hand softly against her cheek.

"We are going to lunch with Claire and her friend. We're meeting them there in 10 minutes so we need to hurry." I intertwine our fingers as I grab her hand and begin to lead her to the edge of the rooftop overlooking the small town below.

"So how was your week without me babe?" I ask with a smirk.

"Absolutely horrible. How could anyone ever be away from you?" She replied sarcastically.

"The struggle is real." I laugh and lean my forehead against hers."You're so beautiful." I say again, barely above a whisper.

She matches my whisper and leans closer, "You've said that already."

I give her my best smile, "I know, just thought I would say it again. Speaking of repeating things, we need to go. Claire and her friend are waiting for us."


"Yeah she said one of her friends is going to join us."

Jen leans her head back and laughs, "It's Luke. Oh my goodness. When will she ever stop calling him her friend? They're perfect for each other and practically dating."

"Oh like us?" I raise my eyebrows at her and look at her jokingly.

She punches me softly in the arm, "That's different. "

"Speaking of different. I need to ask you something. I'm curious." We begin to walk along the edge of the rooftop.

"Sure. Ask away."

"We are at the edge of a rooftop and quite high up. I thought you were scared of heights?"

"I am. I just, I don't know how to explain it. It's like when I'm with you, I don't worry about anything because it's like I know you're there for me." I look over at her and she's staring out into the distance.

"So you're not afraid of anything anymore?"

"No, I'm still scared. Believe me there's a lot of things I'm worried about. But it all goes away when I'm with you."

I stop and face her. My heart soars at the thought that I bring her comfort and protection.

"Then we are going to have to find a different meaning for this." I touch my own nose before reaching out and gently touching hers with my index finger.

She gives me a big smile. The smile I know is saved only for me. It literally takes up her whole face and reaches her eyes as they sparkle and stare back at me.

"Well I will let you know when I think of something." She replies.

"Good. Now let's go. You're going to make us late!" I shout dramatically and lead her over to the elevator while we both laugh.

I step into the elevator as she follows me in and stands In front of me. She presses the button as I wrap my arms around her waist from behind. She rests the back of her head on my chest and the elevator begins to move.

"So am I allowed to ask if we are going to be meeting your family today?" I speak softly into her ear.

For a while she just stands still in my arms and I question if she even heard me. When I decide that I'll ask her again later she turns around in my arms and looks straight into my eyes.

The Bachelor: Harry Styles #Wattys2016Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat