“Wait,” Harry interrupted, “are we not taking him back today?”

“Probably the next few days? Depends on when someone can head over to yours to do the home check really.” I explained to Nick.

“Ok, lovely.” Nick said at the same time that Harry asked, “Will that be done you as well?” 

Both Nick and I looked over to Harry in surprise. I replied, “Oh, um, it can be? I mean, if you’d like it to be…” 

“That’d be fantastic!” Nick cheered, suddenly seeming even more chipper, if possible. “If you’re free tomorrow that’s good for me, I’ll be around at night or the next morning if thats better.” 

“Exciting life you have, hey?” I teased before I could stop myself.

“Excuse you, Sav! I’ll have you know my life is extremely thrilling. Just last night, me and my famous bestie here stayed up ‘til nearly ELEVEN watching some telly,” he joked. 

I went to the back to get Ringo out and when I came around the corner he immediately ran straight for Nick, which I took as a very good sign. Nick plopped right down on the floor to play with his new dog while Harry sat almost directly behind him on the couch. We all carried light conversation while playing with dog, Ringo was in an exceptionally cuddly mood and couldn’t get enough of me petting his favorite spot behind his ear until Nick distracted him with numerous toys. Harry pat the dog for a little and let him lick his face but then turned to me and started what felt a bit like an interview. 

He was asking me question after question on what made me start working at the shelter, if I ever went on rescues, how long I’d been working here, etc. when Nick interrupted. "Christ Harry, what is this? The Spanish Inquisition?"

"The Spanish In-” Harry started, baffled, but cut himself off. “Tell me five facts about the Spanish Inquisition, Nicholas." He retaliated as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Listen popstar, at least I finished college and went to uni!" He shot back. I couldn't help but laugh at that one. Then Nick suddenly stood up as his phone went off and announced they should get going. "Pixie just texted saying she knows we're together and is rambling about how we were supposed to text her hours ago." 

"Shit, was it an update account?" Harry asked solemnly. 

"Looks like it, love." Nick nodded. 

I must have looked as confused as I felt because Nick then explained to me the absurdity that is "update accounts." People posting on twitter about where each of the One Direction boys were at any given moment and posting any pap and fan shots they could find. It often led to the boys getting mobbed when they were out. The whole idea made me feel immediately sympathetic towards Harry, but also left me feeling uneasy and slightly anxious. 

Logically, I knew that nothing was going to happen to me in the shelter, but just the thought of all those people, pushing around trying to see Harry and being so close, set me on edge. I had dealt with anxiety all my life and mostly had it under control at this point. I still felt anxious in large crowds or meeting lots of new people at once, although I rarely had any attacks anymore. 

As Nick said goodbye to Ringo and went to go check if anyone had gathered outside the shelter yet I cautiously decided to ask Harry about the whole mobbing thing, not knowing if it was something he was willing to openly talk about. “Does it happen often? The, you know, mobbing?” 

He sighed. “Yeah, a fair bit still. I’d say definitely not as much as it used to, but more often than it does to the other lads...but, yeah. Happened as me and Nick were leaving the studio earlier actually.” It then clicked to me why Nick had sounded off on the phone. He must have been leaving and getting ready to brace himself for the mob. 

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