Chapter eleven-

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Prince tried wiping at his teary eyes, why would anyone do this to him? Why would they want to? What did he ever do? He couldn't seem to figure out a reason, he was confused not only from this but about all these memory's, why would they come back now. But more importantly; what where they about?

Prince was driving so fast he almost didn't see the purple tornado hurling towards him, he slammed on his breaks as quick as he could. It looked to be getting closer, he backed up, taking a different road. He'd make it to kenos work he didn't care if death found him first.

Everything else was quiet to prince, the only thing he could hear was his heavy breathing.

He stopped his car as he squinted his eyes to look at the top of the bridge where the dragon had landed.

A large black dragon, he was soon later nothing but a man, the man was fairly tall, his skin had a tan tint to it but was pale in places, his eyes glew a dark swirling blue, his hair was black and spiked in every different direction.

He was familiar, prince just couldn't put a name to him, but he knew he had seen him somewhere.

The man turned to prince car, letting out another unnatural high pitch screech as prince ducked down, grunting as he held onto his head, covering his ears.

Until.. It hit him, he knew this man. Years ago when he had been called into the spy business with keno.

This man had been on the same small group, he'd always try his best to do the mission; but yes, he was the one who would do everything not to kill anyone. That always had pissed prince off. In his mind if you had to kill them you just had to kill.

Prince tightly closed his eyes, his mind cutting in and out of the memory... But what was this mans name, it was starting to come back but at the same time it was still fuzzy.

-start of the memory-

"Shut up and just stay by my side." Prince growled, peaking from behind the crate.

"And what makes you incharge?" The man asked. That was right, another way to piss prince off. The man was the only one who would dare talk back to him.

"Cause I am" prince growled, cocking his gun towards the man.

"Watch your self princess" the man chuckled.

"I wouldn't say that if I where you, I've killed more men by the snap of my finger then you will ever do actually trying" prince grinned evily.

"And I myself don't care." The man said, tilting his head as he looked for his best escape route. "Your just a sick person, I'd look for anyway possible not to take a life, one day someone you care about will be ripped from you and you will under stand." He growled.

The memory started to cut out as prince crawled out from his car, the extreme winds blowing him every which way, the man started raising his hands, the sky flashing with purple lightening.

The mans eyes came to meet with prince's as he lowered his hands, the lighting bolt hitting and cracking the road beside prince, knocking prince over as the sounds became fuzzy from the loud noise.

Prince vision became blurry, slipping in and out from another memory.

-in next memory-

"Ouch!" Prince growled, wincing.

"Well maybe if you'd hold still I could help with out hurting you" the man chuckled, while wrapping prince's bloodied leg with his shirt that he had ripped enough to wrap like an ace bandage.

"Er thanks" prince mumbled, the man helping him up as he wrapped his arm around his neck.

"Your welcome." The man said. "Besides, what's a team if they don't work together?"

"Right." Prince coughed, a little blood still leaking from his mouth. "And after all these years I've still never caught your name?"

"Emblis, but you may call me blis if you'd like." The man said, starting to help prince limp back to base.

As prince memory faded he knew who the man was, or at least he knew his name, with the name he'd sooner or later figure out who the man was, and why he'd done what he had.

-into another memory-

It'd seemed princes mind was spilling out all his memory's.

"You come back now?" blis shouted.

"Yes.. I.. I need help?" Prince whimpered, his hair was in knots and blood smeared on his face.

"You leave, you join with the enemy because you feared they where stronger." Blis growled. "You left prince, and then you come back again once things get tough." He shook his head. "I'm sorry prince, I can't help you."

Princes eyes widened. "That's it? Your just not going to help me? Ok! I admit it I'm weak! I'm a whimp!" Prince shouted.

"I can't help you, I'm sorry prince" blis stated, straightening him self, his face was emotionless.

Prince growled, grabbing up his chair before smashing it down on the computer.

Emblis eyes flashed a red. "You.." He growled, grabbing prince neck as prince spit blood in his face. "That took me years to discover what I had!" Blis shouted, throwing prince down. "Get out!"

Princes memory faded out just as all the clouds where gone, the sun beamed down on him, just as he looked up the man was gone. He coughed, rubbing his head as he passed out.

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