hey its that one night

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It's been like over a month since I've watched toonami??????? heccCccc

I have a lot of recording ma and shit I have to catch up on mainly super and my hero but ive seen both at least it's just the super dub I wanna seeeee.

One of these days I'll catch up on FLCL too I hope.

Honestly, I only really came back cause I finally caught up to where the Hunter x Hunter dub is at aka ep 103 lol

I've never seen or heard the dub and just been watching it subbed so this'll be real weird.

But hey Im back to this fandom and hOlY fuCk I see why people say the chimera ant arc is one of the best anime arcs of all time.


Like a week into being at my dads I started watching from I think like episode 48 or something.

In the remaining like week I watchined the rest of the Yorknew arc and almost the entire Greed Island Arc sooo about 30 or so episodes??? Idk I don't wanna math rn.

So it's been like two weeks and I've already gotten to episode 103 while back over here, I need some help wjjsjsjsnnsjakhg

I've also got my moms bf into it and he just bought the first blu Ray for it so we can watch it dubbed on Monday bLeSs

totally give this shounen a try if you have the time it's way to fuckin easy to binge.

in my top two or three anime probably at least.

Okay I need to stop rambling here no one wants to read this dnjsbdjsidgjajdbosnsn I have a problem rn tho

I still love my android sent by CyberLife but I need money to get the game snsnjajdnndkmsj but I should watch Bryan's play through too aUgh I'll get there at one point.

I also got One Punch Man on blu Ray for a steal and need to rewatch it aahhahahahah fuk I have a lot I wanna do.

then I have all the fucking manga I've bought and need to read, but seraph of the end is the one I'm focusing on buying and reading its top tier. I have a billion series that I'm in the middle in tho smmsmwmsmnsjvg I'll get her one of these days...

Oh! And i also did the loot crate 4th of July sale thing so I got this months LootAnime for $20 and a free one next month!!! I can't wait it'll be so cool wnjsksj

I'm saying fuck way to much and idk why h eCc

ANYWAYS as most of you all have seen on my social media spamming,  I found another amazing husband, Kite.



I don't wanna spoil anything that's happens but Kite-



he's just a sweetheart who deserves way more love tf

I haven't gotten to the part but I fucking spoiled myself on the wiki and I'm not ready it's already began like fuccc

I have nothing more to say I just really need to fill time since it isn't on until 10 anshiqbsj

imma just spill all the Kite art and shit I have here if ya don't mind-

imma just spill all the Kite art and shit I have here if ya don't mind-

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