Chapter 6

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Mahiru pov.

Hmm.. let's spin the bottle..

And it land on Laura!!

" Laura truth or dare?" I said

"Hmm..." Laura said

Hehehe. This is it!! Couple time!!! ( Evil smirk )😏

Laura pov.

Oh... I'm nervous!!! This is so nervous..

What is nice truth or dare?..

Hmmm.. dare because it will gonna fun!!

"Dare" I said

" Good pick Laura..... Hmm...😏 Sit on Nozomu lap for 10 round!" Mahiru said

" Sure!" I said

I was going to sit on Nozomu but I just know what it mean...

Wait!!!!!  Hmm....    What!!!!!!!! I will sit on Nozomu Lap for ten round!!!! N-n-n-no way!!!! This can't be!!

" Ehh!!! Wait it is so bad dare ! Mahiru!!!" I shout

" Ehh.. No way Laura it is a dare right guys!" Mahiru said

" Yes!!" They said

They are mean(ToT)

Nozomu pov.

Ehh... Laura will sit on my lap😵😵...

Ehh... Ahh... Ehhh....


Ehh... Laura is going to sit my lap just more inches boom!

She just sit and It so awkward.


Mahiru pov.

Hahahaha!!! I took a picture of the two!! It so awesome!!

It was awesome!!!

A/n: I'm so sorry for late update and sorry if it short because I want to have trill. I hope you understand me and I'm so busy of my school many practices and more. I'm so sorry.(*>_<*)ノ(。ŏ﹏ŏ)(TOT)

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