The Devil Car...

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XD my horrible attempt at drawing Knockout, he just looks like a sparkling...
Song: Car radio (Twenty-one pilots/lyrics)
Title reference:

(Y/n's Pov)

After meeting all of the Autobots Optimus had Bulkhead drive me and Miko home, Optimus said that Ratchet was my guardian. 'Yay! I get the grumpy bot! Cant wait to see him...' i sarcastically thought to myself. When i got home i saw my car- Knockout was gone, 'right technectly he's not my car he's a Decepticon that is my only source of transportation. Great! He's probably gonna kidnap me and torcher me until i tell him where the Autobot base is... And people wonder why i regret moving here.' I thought sarcastically again. "Thanks again Bulkhead for the ride, cya Miko and Bulk!" I waved as they left. Leaving me to my lonely house,"Welp. There's $11,000 down the drain... At least its not the worst thing ive wasted money on." I said walking to my garage, only to be greeted by the cherry red car. 'Great... well might as well talk to the evil doc.' "I know who you are Knockout." I said his name with clear venom. "I know you the Decepticon's Medic, and ive heard of the bad things you've done." I said circling the car,"In fact im half tempted to call Optimus here right now!" I threatened. He laughed,"And here i thought having a fleshie as a pet would be fun..." I shivered. He sounds way different then what i had in mind, he almost sounds... hot. He then transformed and made his face closer to mine, to close for my liking. "So your the fleshbag that bought me?" He said looking at me up a down. This made me feel very uncomfortable, i mean i had my fair share of old men staring at me but being checked out by a giant sentient alien robot was to odd. "Look, i- i dont want you to i dunno... kidnap me..." i said, the red robot laughed. "'Kidnap' you? Ha! I didn't think about it before but now that i do i might." He said. I winced before grabbing my phone, a was about to call Prime. "Please, you and i both know that you wont call them. Plus i thank you for buying me, i wouldn't want a total loser for an 'owner'." I scoffed,"i only bought you because i left my old racing car at my old house." He looked at me with curiosity. "Why would you do that?" I sighed,"I was threatened, threatened that a person knew who i was, knew where i lived, and said that they would kill me. So i had to move here, to Jasper Nevada for safety. So when i saved up some money i was going to buy another car, which turned out to by an alien thats trying to kill my home world." I said looking away from his bright red eyes. "Oh, im sorry to here that fleshie." I waved it off,"Its fine, im guessing you want to go back to the 'cons?" I asked. He looked at me,"No, in fact. You want to go racing?" He asked. I smiled,"Sure, plus its the only way i can make money while doing what i love. Oh and by the way im (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)." I smiled lightly. Maybe having a Decepticon as a car wont be to bad after all.


What? Two chapters in one day? Ok i wrote these both yesterday (7/14/18) so thats why im posting two chapters.

Word count: 608

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