You Need To Move on💃💃

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After mom's funeral,dad asked me to clean her room and keep her belongings in a nice way. Patty and cam tried to help me out,we started cleaning everywhere,I  reached her bed then a pen fell under the bed,I tried to pick it up when my eye caught something else,I saw a box that had mom's painting.

   Yeah mom and I had that talent in painting and drawing we spent our lives doing that.
   I brought out the box and checked what was inside,I saw a lot of books, I mean letters,I tried opening them one by one..
   The letters shows that mom knew she had cancer and kept it from me alone,she informed my dad about it but he kept it from me for seven good years I was eleven then, my heart aches how can she keep this from me?my mom had been suffering for years,she fought cancer for 7 years, I was to ignorant to know that she was in pain poor mom!.
  I saw one letter which says;
Dear Audrey,
         I know you will finally get to see this letter,this letters I kept them for you,this letters shows how much mom loves you dear. Don't cry when I die,the cancer can't be cured easily and I fought for my life for 7 years.  Audrey dear I have a little gift for you when I die,its a necklace it is inside the box just search for it right there. This necklace brings forth good luck, don't take it off wear it at all times, its just like am with you whenever you wear it okay?., Cherish it like your life my baby. I love you
                                         From mom
    Patty and cam where actually at my back all this while, a tear came out of my eye as I closed the box and kept it back under her bed,
    "Audrey stop being emotional ,your tears can't bring her back,you have to be strong so she can be happy for you when she's with you" patty said holding my shoulder's tight and looking me straight in the eye

   "You need to move on Audrey, we are here for you, we are willing to share our moms with you" says cam
...I cleaned my tears,I didn't want them to feel sorry for me.
   "Awwwn guys ,I love you sweeties,thanks for being my best friends Group hug!!!".... We hugged each other and I wore the necklace written on it AUDREY

     Audrey you need to move on ,mom wants that.

Guys I know this chapter isn't lengthy bear with me..This my first time of writing this, I Hope you guys enjoyed this
    Watch out for the next chapter.💋💋💋💋
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