BRONTE 200: The First-Ever Hocrux

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Wuthering Height VS. Harry Potter

Catherine's POV:

"Avada Kedavra" and as the blue-green bands of light hit their target square in the chest, the man crumpled to the ground with a sigh and a shocked, slightly defeated expression on his face. All the while, an innocent young boy stood nearby, in this grotesque picture of a room.

The words, those words, were not said, shouted or even murmured, just felt with such power of hatred that a person was on the ground - all grey and lifeless, because of them. Yet, the little boy still stood watching keenly as the scene played out in front of him, bearing witness to such a horrific incident - or maybe......maybe he was more than just a witness.

All of a sudden, bright flashes of light erupted from everywhere in the room as many wizards and witches filled in the empty space. I should not be aware of this - the existence of wizards. I mean, I should be but father does not have the same opinion as I; even though he is a ministry official and I am Catherine Earnshaw, his squib or maybe muggle daughter.

As I was saying, as the wizards stopped apparating (I finally found out what it's called), started carrying out their respective responsibilities and the room died out of the bright flashes of light, the only change that it stimulated in that boy was the newly-found wonder in his previously blank expression.

His silence broke suddenly amidst the clamor of the room and his shrieks, speaking vocals of his immense pain, sounded out.

From here began the story of Heathcliff - my Heathcliff and as his powerful shrieks drew attention in that crowded little room, people became aware of the severity of the situation. The severity that....

This was the most unique murder of the wizard history as there was no wand, no potion or any other murder weapon, only a little boy present who was now staring at the officials with an air of indifference like nothing had happened (This was also (maybe) the first time he wore that expression)


3rd Person POV:

"The boy must not live", someone declared in the courtroom and all hell broke loose suddenly.

"And, how do you decide that? He is just a little boy!!", one shout rose.

The first voice answered, "A murderer is a murderer!!!"

"There is no evidence that he murdered this man, Charles!"

"Then, how do you explain a stone cold body stored in one of our mortuaries, Earnshaw?"

"There was no murder weapon found - no wand, not anything.."

"Yet, a killing curse left for us to track, and, it led us to him, not any wand...It is indeed a case of Underage Sorcery and the boy must be charged for breaking the International Stature of Secrecy"

"Order in the courtroom", the Minister of Magic summoned for silence and addressed Charles, "There were no laws broken in these circumstances. International Stature of Secrecy would have been violated if an educated wizard, either of age or underage, "with a wand of his or any other", had committed this gruesome act".

"And", Madame Marcova intervened, "what we found was an innocent boy, even below school age, son of a muggle, standing by his dead father, and the trace leading us, not to wand, but to him directly."

A heavy silence filled the courtroom. Madame Marcova sighed, adjusting her glasses at the tip of her nose, and continued, "What we should be thinking about, instead of arguing about the verdict, is that - how was the man murdered, without the proper utterance of the curse, and the flick of a magical such a young boy?"

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