aww shit

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slowly the van started Pulling away. I panicked started yelling, screaming and kicking then somthing metal and hard connected with my head and I blacked out

~two hours later~

I woke up in a dimly light room with a single light my hands and legs chaned to the wall and floor. I screamed then somone walked in told me to shut up unchained me then pulled me into an empty 60 by 40 wodden shed with sound proof walls and a big bed aww shit he's gunna rape me. he didn't he examined my body touched my boobs a couple times to be honest he was kind of cute he looked familiar but I didn't think I knew him he had dark brown hair with a light brush of freckles over his beautiful tanned skin and ice blue ey... wtf am I doing am I falling in love with him??

an hour later and I am chained up again the boy comes in and apologized his dad forces him to do this right as we were gonna kiss his what I'm assuing dad walked in

"what the h*ll ehan" " sorry dad" and with that he was gone. the dad started asking me questions he wore a ski mask so I didnt know what he looked like and he had a voice disguiser so no leads there "well lielaa were going to have some fun arent we and with that he ripped of my shirt and pants and left me there.

why me? why now?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum