"Percy?", percy stared out the wondow from the bed, "is there somthing wrong?","how- how long has it been? Since i came here, the first time", steve sat on the edge of the bed, "two days"

"Can you take me to visit my mom?"

The days went on.

The next day, steve and bucky took percy to see his mother, and bucky left the room when percy started to talk to her as if she could hear him.

Told her all about steve and bucky, about how they were funny and kind, and told her that her showed bucky how to make the blue waffles and cookies, told her that he missed her and wished she wake up.

Bucky had bags under his eyes when they left, a fost clenched, and he stayed two feet away from the two, but when percy took his hand he grinned.

Day three was weird, Hermes stopped by, he had a backpack full of papers a d books, and a vanilla folder of paperwork for percys new school.

Of course, he wasnt what they expected at all, he was tall, as tall as steve, and lean, with facial hair and blond fuzzy hair, he wore a blue jean fleece jacket and black jeans, a blue shirt, and sneakers.

He had a flips phone in his hand, wotch hung at his side, and he had heavy bags under his red rimed eyes, witch were blue.

He arrived early in the morning, grin set on his fave as if practiced, and when percy saw him from his spot at thw breakfast table, he shot like a bullet towards him.

"Hermes!", Hermes set down the back and lifted percy up inti a hug, witch he then turned into a hold with percy on his hip.

"Perceinator! How've you been?", he grinned at percy, "good, we were going to visit you tomorrow- why'd you come today?", Hermes grinned fell slightly but he fixed it quickly.

Bucky had a hand under the table, whitch had a gun strapped to it, steve stood politeky at the door.

"Hello", Hermes gave a nod and set percy down, "im hermes-","-we know, percy hadnt stopped talking about you", buckt said and shoveled a spoon of eggs into his mouth.

"I have that effect on people", hermes ruffled percys hair with a smirk, "would you like to come in?", steve held open the dokr and hermes walked in behind percy woth a grateful nod.

"So, you guys are watching percy?, im surprised Posidon didnt send triton to watch him", hermes sat on the sofa, opening his flip phone and letting the antenna appear, and george and martha appeared.

"George, Martha!", percy leaped next to Hermes excitedly, steve a d bucjy watched in amazement and two snakes twisted around the antenna of the phone.

'What is that ungodly shreiking at seven in the morning?'

"Hush George, its percy!"


The two snaked swivled their heads and hissed at percy delightfully, "perseus how are you? Lie to any ither gods lately?"

Percy shrank back as martha snapped at him angrily, "Martha!", hermes shook the phone and both yelled in unison, "woman! Keep your trap shut! I cant take anither shake, or ill throw up!", george shrieked.

Steve and bucky sat at the table a good distance awaye, "what the hell is that?", bucky squinted, habd twitching for a gun.

"Oh! Forgive my rudeness! This is george and martha", hermes gestured at them, "They live on my cadeceus. When it is a phone, they are on the antenna", hermes explained.

"Hermes caught them a long time ago, George and Martha can turn into a pen and notepad. They can access Laser Mode, allowing them to fire powerful laser blasts ,they can turn into a phone and act as an antenna and they can turn into a credit card scanner".

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