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Name - Collin Whilliams

Age - 23

Gender - male

Crush - no one yet

Sexuality- straight

Personality - he is quiet but not shy, he is nice but never shows it, he's also a big pervert, he is strong but will brake down if he gets too stressed

What annoys you? - the kids and their squeaky voices

Are you married? - no

Height - 6'5

Likes - being alone, cooking, flirting, making girls flustered, being his hot self, pranks, sweets and spicy food, smoking

Dislikes -  people getting into his business, showing that he is weak, crying in front of people, people using him as a stepping stone

Do you like kids? - not really but can deal with them

Hopes - to never let anyone in because he knows that they will hurt him

Fears - falling in love


Name - Katie Rose Marie

Age - 18

Gender - female

Crush - no one yet

Sexuality - straight

Personality - she's calm and collected, but she does have her crazy bich moments

What annoys you? - people who think they all that, Collin, being followed by kids

Are you married? - no

Height - 5'4

Likes - reading, taking long walks, the Hamilton play!, gay ships, quiet places, going home

Dislikes - annoying kids, burning food, people not being grateful, awkward silence

Do you like kids? - Yes kinda

Hopes - to be a doctor soon

Fears - everyone hating her

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